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When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes.

When the dance party was in full swing, music and songs swirled all around the ballroom. 舞会进行到高潮时,舞厅里一片乐曲和歌声。
When the dance was over, Ichabod, the schoolmaster, found a group of old people sitting at a corner, talking in low voices under a dim lamp light. 当舞会结束时,伊卡伯这位小学教师发现一群老人围坐一角,在昏暗的灯光下低声交谈著。
When the dangerous unknow monster coming ,the green appear again,when the monster go,the scene full of softness khaki. 当危险的怪物来时绿色再次出现了,当怪物离去,场景变成了柔和土黄色。
When the data was collected, the length of tapes was 35 times the depth of the Atlantic Ocean. 当这些数据被收集,录音带的长度是大西洋深度的35倍。
When the daughter now lies prone, many accompanied her with she same high friend to play, but her attention is not enough, did not bump several times and has lost the interest to have mmm mmm the sound, even if mother read puppy's toy book also only to be 女儿现在趴著时,多了一个和她相同高度的朋友陪她玩,不过她的专注力仍不够,碰了几下就失去兴趣而发生嗯嗯的声音,即使妈妈念小狗的玩具书也只能短暂安抚她。
When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes. 当黎明照亮天空,睁开你的亲爱的眼睛。
When the day is done,do you lie in your bed? 当一天结束之后,你是否躺在了你的床上?
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 五旬节到了,他们都聚集在一起。
When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 徒2:2忽然从天上有响声下来、好像一阵大风吹过、充满了他们所坐的屋子。
When the day of election came, the people gathered in the voting place, usually in the schoolhouse or the local temple. 到了选举那一天,老百姓就聚集在投票场所,这一般是学堂或是当地的寺庙。
When the deadline for signing the petition is reached on February 20th, it will be politely rejected—Tony Blair has said he will send an e-mail to every signatory—and the newspapers which helped drum up support for it will rant about the government's arro 当2月20日请愿书的最后签名期限到来时,它会被礼貌的拒绝—托尼布莱尔已经说过他将会给每一位签名者发一封电子邮件—帮助鼓吹过请愿书的报纸会大肆宣扬政府对民众意见高傲的不屑一顾。

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