In their annual report to parliament last month, representatives of China's chief legal bodies, including the Supreme People's Court, the public prosecutor's office and the ministries for justice and the police, urged a reduction in use of the death penal
在上个月向全国人大提交的年度报告中,中国主要的法律机构——包括最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、司法部和公安部——的代表们力倡减少使用死刑(和刑讯逼供)。 |
In their combination, the property of the adjective activates a conceptual zone of the noun, thus profiling the contact points and the link itself.
在两者的组合中,形容词的特性激活名词中的某个概念局域,并使这两部分及这种关联得以彰显。 |
In their community, music and dance are the basic skills of the Africans.
在他们的社群里,音乐和舞蹈是非洲人必需学会的技能。 |
In their concert, the 12 Brasses of Berlin Philharmonic play the works of Baroque, adapt lots of classical and original music.
他们以重奏的形式,演奏包括交响乐在内的风格各异的作品。 |
In their death, they were not divided.
他们至死不分离。 |
In their discussion, I was in favor of Mr. Li.
在他们的争论中, 我支持李先生。 |
In their discussion, I was in favor of Mr. Li.
在他们的争论中,我支持李先生。 |
In their discussions, they find that the prospects become concerned when they learnt the principles in the firm has only been the business five years and haven't had experience in bonds.
在他们和客户的讨论中,他们发现客户非常关注这些事项:他们在原来的公司五年所学的商业领域的原理,以及他们在债券上缺乏经验。 |
In their early enthusiasm for Mr Putin, some diplomats clearly made a classic error in Western thinking about Russian leaders: wishful thinking.
早先一些外交家对普京抱有的积极性态度只不过是他们以西方式思维对俄罗斯领导人的揣测:充满希望的揣测。 |
In their experiments, the researchers used a ariety of cutting-edge techniques, including X-ray crystallography, to track changes in the structure and actiity of XIAP and the molecules it interacts with in cells.
在他们的试验中,研究人员试验了多种切割技术,包括X-射线结晶照相技术,来跟踪XIAP结构变化和活性变化以及它与细胞间相互作用的分子。 |
In their experiments, the researchers used a variety of cutting-edge techniques, including X-ray crystallography, to track changes in the structure and activity of XIAP and the molecules it interacts with in cells.
在他们的试验中,研究人员试验了多种切割技术,包括X-射线结晶照相技术,来跟踪XIAP结构变化和活性变化以及它与细胞间相互作用的分子。 |