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The contents of polysaccharide, protein, moisture, ash, fat, and amino acids were determined in the soft body of Retusa boenensis and Cellana toreuma.

The contents of due diligence should include the structure and culture of the target enterprise, subject qualification, property value and property ownership great creditor's rights and debt, law and policies, related managing elements and human resources 尽职调查的内容应包括目标企业的治理结构与企业文化、主体资格、财产价值与产权、重大债权债务、适应的法律政策与相关生产经营要素以及人力资源等。
The contents of metal elements in silk gland and silk fiber of B. mori silkworm have been detailedly analyzed by proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE), inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) and atomic adsorption spectroscopy (AAS). 摘要用不同的测试方法,即质子诱导X射线发射(PIXE)、电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)和原子吸收光谱(AAS)对桑蚕丝腺体和丝纤维中金属元素的含量进行了详细的表征。
The contents of pentosan, protein, wet gluten, Zeleny volume and 1000 kernel weight of 77 winter wheat varieties planted in north China were investigated. 本研究测定了我国北方冬麦区77个品种(系)籽粒中的戊聚糖含量和蛋白质、湿面筋、沉降值、千粒重等性状。
The contents of phenol and aniline in refinery waste water were simultaneously determined by Kalman filtering UV-spectrophotometry with satisfactory result. 摘要用卡尔曼滤波紫外分光光度法同时测定了模拟炼油废水中苯酚和苯胺的含量,取得了满意的结果。
The contents of polysaccharide in 96 kinds of pumpkin were determined by phenol-sulfuric acid method and taste characters were tasted. 摘要用苯酚-硫酸法测定了96个南瓜品种中多糖的含量,品尝了各种南瓜的口感特征,研究了南瓜的口感特征和多糖含量的相关性。
The contents of polysaccharide, protein, moisture, ash, fat, and amino acids were determined in the soft body of Retusa boenensis and Cellana toreuma. 摘要对婆罗囊螺和嫁(女戚)的多糖、蛋白质、水分、灰分、脂肪含量以及氨基酸和脂肪酸的组成进行了分析比较。
The contents of public finance shall essentially cover five parts, including remedying the deficiency of market, offering public product to market, making decisions democratically, standardizing the financing legally, and accepting the public supervision. 摘要公共财政本质上包含了弥补市场缺陷、为市场提供公共产品、民主决策、依法规范理财和接受公众监督五大理念。
The contents of soil microelements-available boron, zinc and molybdenum generally increased in upland and paddy fields. 土壤微量元素中,有效态硼、锌、钼普遍增加。
The contents of the Book of Changs include ancient Chinese divination and cosmological beliefs. 《易经》的内容包括古人卜卦的记录和他们对宇宙的认识。
The contents of the bag were missing. 袋子里面的东西不见了。
The contents of the course include the elastic problems and associated solution procedure; the basic concepts and assumptions of elasticity; the solution of a planar elastic problem defined in a rectangular coordinate; the matrix expression of basic equat 本课程的主要内容包括:弹性力学问题及其求解思想;弹性力学中的基本概念及基本假定;弹性力学平面问题的直角坐标解答;平面问题基本方程的矩阵表示;平面问题的极坐标解答;弹性力学空间问题的基本方程及其解法;薄板的弯曲;能量变分原理等等.

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