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Just prior to the opener, Sinclair had forced the French keeper into a save with a shot from a tight angle and two crosses from the Chelsea youngster created England's other best chances in the first-half, the second after a Bertrand ball forward.

Just past that western ridge. 正好穿过西面的山脊。
Just point to it if you don\'t know the name. 如果你不晓得菜名,就用手指点。
Just pour some rice into an empty bottle and shake away. Try experimenting with different content (such as beans) and see what noises you can make. 将空瓶子倒入适量大米,然后摇动,您会听到什么声音?同样把瓶子里的大米换成其他的东西比如豆子,制造不同的声音?
Just press the button on your armrest and lean backward at thesame time. 您只要按下座椅扶手上的按钮,同时身体向后靠就行了。
Just prior to testing, the interference groups were given a second list of word pairs to remember. 由于是先进行测试的组,受外界干扰的两个组又要求记忆第二组词。
Just prior to the opener, Sinclair had forced the French keeper into a save with a shot from a tight angle and two crosses from the Chelsea youngster created England's other best chances in the first-half, the second after a Bertrand ball forward. 前半场,辛科莱尔的一脚刁钻的射门压迫法国队龟缩防守,他的两次传中也给切尔西创造了更好的机会;下半场波特兰德进一球。
Just put the plug in the socket and switch on the machine. 只需将插头插入插座并开动机器就行了。
Just read it for me. 就读给我听好了.
Just read the music and ignore the holes indicated. 仅仅是(唱谱)演奏音乐,而忽视被标出来的琴孔。
Just realize that it is the universal situation, and our prayer for any one is actually an expression of a continuous and never ending prayer for all. 只要了解这是到处都是的境遇,而我们为任何一位的祈祷其实是为所有有情持续且永无止境的祈祷的一项表达。
Just received JARL's JCC 600 (All CW) #17 certificate (see attaching picture). A small gun (barefoot and wire dipole) together with persistence do achieve the goal. 刚收到日本陆佰城市全报务奖状(见附图)。只需轻装备(100瓦特及偶极子天线)和意志耐力便能达至目标。

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