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Alan Moore's V for Vendetta.

Alan Blunt: Ones that normally get there way. 阿兰布朗特:总是有其门路的人。
Alan Brill, Senior Managing Director and Technologist at Kroll, explains why he and other security experts believe that tech-savvy terrorists can - and indeed may - do serious damage to corporate assets, beginning with information systems. 有专家警告攻击行动不只限于实体及生命的攻击,恐怖份子亦有可能透过电子作战、网路攻击方式,瘫痪各种通讯。
Alan Davis, analyst at McAdams Wright Ragen, said that the cautious outlook for the current fiscal first quarter spooked the market, trigging a sell-off in after-hours trade following a run-up in the stock over the last three days. 麦克亚当斯赖特里根公司的分析师的艾伦戴维斯说,对微软第一个财政季度的谨慎的预测,吓怕了市场,微软的股票在过去三天的上涨后,今天的盘后交易下跌。
Alan Jackson, turned to award-winning bluegrass artist Alison Krauss to produce his latest album Like Red on a Rose. 艾伦杰克逊,请求获奖的蓝草音乐人艾莉森克劳斯为他制作最新一期的专辑-像玫瑰一样红。
Alan Johnston reports from Gaza. 艾伦?约翰斯顿从加沙发回报道。
Alan Moore's V for Vendetta. 例,艾伦摩尔的V怪客。
Alan Parrish: Yeah but a lot can kill you! 阿兰:是的,但是太大了就会杀死你!
Alan Smith capped a great evening by completing another 90 minutes on a rain-sodden night at Ewen Fields. 阿兰-史密斯又一次打满90分钟,艾文球场这个晚上一直是湿淋淋的。
Alan Smith celebrated his return to international football by scoring the opening goal in England B's 3-1 win over Albania. 阿兰.史密斯用开场的第一个进球庆祝了自己在国家队的回归,对手阿尔巴尼亚被3-1击败。
Alan Smith had hoped to play a part after completing 90 minutes for the Reserves on Tuesday, but Sir Alex Ferguson quashed talk of an early comeback. 阿兰史密斯本来希望在周二做了90分钟替补席后上场,但被弗格森证实现在谈回归还为时过早。
Alan Smith's header gave the Gunners hope and Michael Thomas scored the second, decisive goal in stoppage time to take the title to Highbury in sensational style. 阿兰史密斯的头球破门给了阿森纳希望,在伤停补时阶段托马斯打进了关键的第二个进球,这个入球戏剧性地让冠军奖杯回到了海布里。

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