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Table 2. Lipids composition of pattern A and B type of LDL(±s).

Table 1.1 identifies many of the activities that comprise each major human resource function. 表1.1列出了构成各种主要人力资源职能的众多活动。
Table 1. Serum lipids in rabbits at before treatment,4th and 8th week (±s, n=8, mmol/L). 表1.兔血清总胆固醇、甘油三酯和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平.
Table 2 also shows that a change in the level of nitrogen application affects the MPP of potash use for any given level of potash use. 表2又表示在钾的各个用量水平,氮肥用量的变化对钾肥边际产量的影响。
Table 2-2 compares some key parameters by relay type. 表22按照继电器类型列出了几个关键的参数。
Table 2. Effect of phospholipids on the balance between free cholesterol and cholesteryl ester (±s,n=6). 表2.磷脂对细胞内游离胆固醇/胆固醇酯平衡的影响.
Table 2. Lipids composition of pattern A and B type of LDL(±s). 表2.A型和B型低密度脂蛋白脂质组成.
Table 2. The effects of lecithin phospholipid lipisomes on lipid metabolism in high lipid rabbits (±s , n=10, mmol/L). 表2.卵磷脂脂质体对高脂血症兔脂蛋白代谢的影响.
Table 3 shows the change in the chemical composition of the process solution after 10 vol.% of hydrazine is added at the end of the fourth cycle. 表3显示在第四个周期的最后,加入容积百分之10的氮化物,则其过程溶液中的化学成份会改变。
Table 3-3 lists the service functions you can use at run time to fine-tune the pageability of your driver in various situations. 表3-3列出了在运行时间你可以用来调整在许多情况下你的驱动的可分页能力的服务函数。
Table 3. Associations between CCA-IMT with some cardiovascular risk factors(±s). 表3.颈动脉内膜中层厚度分级与部分心血管危险因素.
Table 3. Contents of calcium,MDA and ATP in all experimen groups (±s). 表3.实验各组心肌丙二醛、三磷酸腺苷和钙含量.

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