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Beauty is eloquent even when silent.

Beauty in terms of our human meanings is meaningless. 用对我们人类有意义的词解释美是没有意义的。
Beauty is absolute, aesthetics is definitely nonfigurative (presuming beauty exists), and philosophy is also nonfigurative. 美是绝对的,美学也一定是抽象的(假定有美学),哲学也是抽象的。
Beauty is being natural, it shines from the inside out. 美是一种自然的,来自内在的美。
Beauty is but skin deep (but fascinates man in cheap). 美貌是肤浅的(但是很容易迷住男人)。
Beauty is corporate unrational target on substance, it has infinite transcendency, and philosophy says substance is also developing from lower level to higher level. 美是事物非理性的共同的向往,具有无限的超越性,哲学也是说事物由低级向高级无限发展的。
Beauty is eloquent even when silent. 甚至在静默的时候,美丽也是口若悬河。
Beauty is her only asset. 美丽是她唯一的资产。
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施.
Beauty is in the eyes of beholder. 情人眼里出西施.
Beauty is light from inner life. 美是发自生命内部的光。
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes to the bone. 美只浅及皮毛,丑却深入骨髓。

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