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All units and individuals engaging in production and operation, while paying money for the commodities purchased, acceptance of services as well as engaging in other business activities shall obtain invoices from the payee, but they shall not demand chang

All types of national affairs are count for the reason that the national consciousness of relative nationalities are beyond the level of peace, and some national affairs result from the spurt of nationalism. 世界範围内林林总总、形形色色的民族问题的产生都是基于相关民族的民族意识对于维持和平共处的临界点的突破,有的民族问题本身就是民族主义情绪狂热迸发的结果。
All types of reinforcement should be shown on 007the shop drawings that are submitted by the manufacturer for approval. 所以类型的增强都应该在生产商所提供的施工图上列出来。
All types of work-related interaction offer the opportunity to encourage principled behavior. 各种与工作相关的互动方式,都是鼓励高尚情操行为的机会。
All unarmed combat should be taught on the theory that it is useful to a man only after he has lost his weapons. 所有的徒手格斗教学都应该建立在下述理论之上:只有在丢失了武器的情况下才使用徒手格斗技术。
All units and individuals are prohibited to possess, manufacture (alter and assemble included), trade in, transport, lease or loan guns in violation of the provisions of laws. 禁止任何单位或者个人违反法律规定持有、制造(包括变造、装配)、买卖、运输、出租、出借枪支。
All units and individuals engaging in production and operation, while paying money for the commodities purchased, acceptance of services as well as engaging in other business activities shall obtain invoices from the payee, but they shall not demand chang 所有单位和从事生产、经营的个人,在购买商品、接受服务以及从事其他经营活动支付款项时,应当向收款方取得发票,但不得要求变更品名和金额。
All units are factory-built for horizontal-left installation showed as the right-down figure. 室内机都以水平向左方向的安装状态出厂,如右下图所示。
All units will proceed to rendezvous coordinates at T-Vector Delta. 全部单位将在对应T向量三角区的集结点展开。
All university and student organizations are welcome to book the amphitheatre free of charge. 广场毗邻陈震夏宿舍,可容纳三百五十人作户外活动及表演,附设音响系统。
All unlawful buildings must be pulled down. 一切非法建筑物都必须拆除.
All unrighteousness is sin, and there is a sin not leading to death. 约壹5:17凡不义的事都是罪.也有不至于死的罪。

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