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1999 Image: Does Every Chinese Person Have BLOND Hair?

1998 U.S. embassy bombings: Bombing of the United States embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya, kill 224 people and injure over 4,500. 1998年的今天,1998美国大使馆爆炸案:美国驻东非坦桑尼亚首都达累斯萨拉姆和肯尼亚首都内罗毕的大使馆遭炸弹袭击,造成224人遇难,超过4500人受伤。
1998“Old Wine in New Bottles?”: The meaning of Tso Yueh-tzu in Modern Society. ‘Unpublished Conference Paper, Institute of Chinese Studies, Oxford University. 1997女人、不洁与神明:台湾社会经血信仰的传统与现代。妇女与宗教研讨会会议论文。中央研究院民族学研所。
1999 A Dialogue between Text and Theory: A Study of Dialogue-type in The French Lieutenant's Woman.Taipei: Bookman Books,1999. 对话想像:后设小说、巴克汀、《法国中尉的女人》〉《中华民国第五届英美文学研讨会论文集》。政治大学英语系。页1-16。
1999 Assess France's impact on the development of liberalism and nationalism in Europe in the period 1800-48. 评估1800-48年间,法国对自由主义及民族主义发展的影响。
1999 Bilingual study notes for productive human relationships in schools : teacher effectiveness training, reality therapy, social discipline model, behavior modification. Eng, Betty Christine.; Hong Kong Institute of Education. 1999学校常用实用文/汤浩坚,冯树勋,任美霞.汤浩坚.;冯树勋.;任美霞.;香港教育学院.
1999 Image: Does Every Chinese Person Have BLOND Hair? 形象:每个中国人都是黄头发?
1999 Pearson Education North Asia established its regional headquarters in Hong Kong. 培生教育出版北亚洲成立,总部设在香港。
1999 prepare for the production of a 20-part TV series DREAMS OF THE CHINESE EDUCATED YOUNG PEOPLE which is to explore the 21st Century with a completely new approach that combines newsreel, documentary and feature film and with some original forms of exp 1999年筹备导演20集电视纪实系列剧《中国知青的梦》,以全新的内容和样式探索二十一世纪电视剧特有的表达方式,将新闻片、记录片、故事片熔为一炉。
1999 showed the variety of roles Crowe can play. 1999年,克洛在银幕上扮演了各种各样的角色。
1999 sort of utilizing the smoke vent from the equipment is manufactured. 1999年废气排烟利用型开始生产。
1999 year winter, the summer season, uses the quadrat survey procedure, has carried on the monitor to the ever green nature protection area panda habitat choice. 1999年冬、夏季节,采用样方调查法,对长青自然保护区大熊猫栖息地选择进行了监测。

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