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Association between Uncoupling Protein Gene Polymorphisms and Obesity in Japanese

Assessment indications included: Coronal plane: scutum of tympanic cavity, Prussak’s space, oval window, tympanic tegmen and cochlear chassi totally five anatomic structures; 评价指标为:冠状面:鼓室盾板、Prussak’s腔、卵圆窗、鼓室盖、耳蜗底圈个解剖结构。
Assessment of Heparin for Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy and Study on Mechanism 肝素治疗妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症的疗效评价及机制研究
Assessment of Psychosoeial Fastors of the Patients with Aphthae Aphthae患者心理社会因素评估
Assessment of the Risk of Potter's Pneumoconiosis and its Control Measures 陶工尘肺危险度及其防制措施评价
Assisted by the presentation of the development of intellectualized design system of dished spring die, basic way and general approach of intellectualized design under CATIA V circumstances was introduced. 合碟簧模具智能化设计系统的开发 ,介绍了CATIAV环境下智能化设计的基本方法和一般步骤
Association between Uncoupling Protein Gene Polymorphisms and Obesity in Japanese 解偶联蛋白基因多态性与日本人肥胖的关系
Association of VEGF, uPA, ICAM- and PCNA expression with metastasis and recurrence in hepato cellular carcinoma VEGF、uPA、ICAM-和PCNA蛋白质表达与肝癌转移复发的关系
Association of single nucleotide polymorphism of megsin gene with IgA nephropathy Megsin基因单核苷酸多态性与IgA肾病相关性研究
Association of the cause of the genital infection and the virile impercita by PCR. PCR诊断生殖道感染性质发病率与男性不育症的关系
Associations Between Gastral-Duodenal Ulcer and Salivary Deficiency 唾液腺缺乏与胃十二指肠溃疡
Astilbe mainly contains coumarin,flavonoids,sterols and acidic component,with the effects of eliminating stasis to stop pain,dispelling wind to eliminate dampness,relieving cough by cooling etc. 落新妇属植物主要含香豆素、黄酮类、甾醇类、酸性成分等,药理作用表明有散瘀止痛、祛风除湿、清热止咳等作用。

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