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This kind of common knowledge may be continually altered and expanded in the course of such communication.

This kind of classification is convenient for clinical practice[4]. 这种分类方法便于临床实用。
This kind of cloth feels very soft. 这种布手感很软。
This kind of cloth has a close texture. 这种布质地很紧密。
This kind of cloth is proper here, it is made of the materials of pure cotton and dry stuff distilled from the plants, with some accessional materials of soybean milk, calcareousness and vinegar. 蓝印花布是江南特有的布料,她采用纯棉的布料,加上植物中提取的染料,再用豆浆、石灰、醋等附料加工而成!
This kind of cloth washes well. 这种布很耐洗。
This kind of common knowledge may be continually altered and expanded in the course of such communication. 这种共有知识在交际过程中可能会不断得到调整、扩大。
This kind of computer, as is well-known, is out of date. 众所周知,这种计算机现在已经过时了。
This kind of coordinate system is called a left-handed coordinate system. 这种类型的坐标系统被称作一个左手坐标系统。
This kind of crane can be used both indoor and outdoor and it is suitable for warehouses,harbours and factories with excellent universality and practicality. 本机是起重机械行业中通用性最大,实用性最好的机种,它适用于货场、仓库、码头、工厂,且室内室外均可使用。此外,我厂还承接各种非标,代为设计,质量可靠,价格合理,交货迅速,讲求信誉。
This kind of crane is applicable to handle bulk material and steel We also assume non-standard design and production with reasonable price and quick delivery. 本机适用于工厂、货场、仓库、码头等。对钢铁散件,以及不易包装的钢材装卸投炉等作业。性能优越,运行可靠。若有非标,我厂也可承接订货,价格合理,交货迅速,讲究信誉。
This kind of describing mode can be still used continuously in historical records, sketches of unofficial history and novels. 这种情形的描写模式在后世史书、乃至野史笔记和小说中仍在持续沿用。

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