A typical dual duct system would have 2 zone supply air paths – one for the hot air and one for the cold air – and 1 zone return air path.
而对于典型的双管系统,则由两条区域送风路径(一条用于热空气、一条用于冷空气)和一条区域回风路径组成。 |
A typical educational activity of American Protestant missionaries in modem China is the running of missionary schools, which, as a particular cultural phenomenon in modem Chinese history, play a crucial role in promoting the modernization of Chinese high
摘要美国新教传教士在中国的教育活动以建立的教会学校最为典型,它是中国近代历史上的特殊的文化现象,对促进中国高等教育现代化以及中西文化交流起着重要的作用。 |
A typical example is the employee who went for a seminar on motivation, got “excited” and returns back to working environment that regularly demotivates him.
典型的例子就是,某员工去参加了关于激励的研讨会,培训中她得到了很大的“鼓舞”,但是之后却回到了经常令她垂头丧气的工作环境中。 |
A typical example of this is graphic design.
这种情况的典型事例就是美术设计专业。 |
A typical globular cluster has about 1 million stars.
一个典型的球状星团包含1百万恒星。 |
A typical hammer in Qing dynasty. I have one.
典型的清锤,我有把一模一样的. |
A typical includes a group of standard keys set in the center of the keyboard, many function keys and several additional keys.
一个典型的键盘包括一组位于键盘中间的标准键、许多功能键和一些附加键。 |
A typical instruction in a machine language might read 10010 1100 1011 and mean add the contents of storage register A to the contents of storage register B.
机器语言中的一条典型的指令可能是1001011001011,意思是将存储寄存器A的内容加到存储寄存器B的内容中。 |
A typical keyboard includes a group of standard keys set in the center of the keyboard, many function keys and several additional keys.
一个典型的键盘包括一组位于键盘中间的标准键、许多功能键和一些附加键。 |
A typical kind of property that you might want to express, say, in a class invariant for a graph class, is that the graph has no cycles.
比如在一个图类中,你可能想要表述的典型属性是该图没有回路。 |
A typical modern work will seem to begin arbitrarily, to advance without explanation, and to end without resolution.
现代文学的典型特征是开端任意,发展不做解释以及没有结果的收场。 |