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A higher setting allows the driver to extract more performance; a lower setting puts less stress on the engine.

A higher degree is very important if I want to achieve my goal. I hope to return my alma mater and continue my studies at the graduate school. 拥有更高一级的学位对实现我的目标很重要。我希望能回到母校的研究生院继续学习。
A higher level grouping of components, which includes SMS and GSM messaging protocols. 窄带协议:一种较高等级的组件分组方式,包括SMS和GSM消息协议。
A higher rate of female employment could help to deal with the difficulties posed by an ageing society. 更高的女性就业率可以帮助解决老龄化社会所造成的困难。
A higher risk premium for the equity market has already been priced in. 股市已将更高的风险溢价计入股价中。
A higher saving rate leads to a higher steady-state level of output; during the economy's transition to the new steady-state, a higher saving rate leads to positive output growth. 较高的储蓄率会导致产量达到一个较高的稳态;当经济转变为一个新的稳态时,较高的储蓄水平会引起产量的实际增长。
A higher setting allows the driver to extract more performance; a lower setting puts less stress on the engine. 较高的设定可以得到额外的表现;较低的设定则让引擎不必承受麽高的压力。
A highlighter does not have its own chemical energy: it converts ultraviolet light in sunlight into visible light. 萤光笔没有自己的化学能原,是把紫外光改变为可见光而以.
A highly advanced Internet search machine known as a “Google” reveals 74,000 results for Bush's “misunderestimate,” compared with only 2,400for Shakespeare's “braggartism.” Who's a better word-inventor-guy now? 那个以网上搜索著称的谷歌可以找出74,000条引用布什“错误低估”的结果,而搜索莎士比亚“自大狂”则只能找到2400条结果。你说谁是更好的造字专家呢?
A highly evacuated electron tube containing an anode, a cathode, and a control grid. 三极管带有阳极、阴极和控制栅极的高真空的电子管
A highly explosive mixture of ammonium nitrate and trinitrotoluene. 阿马托炸药一种由硝酸铵和三硝基甲苯组成的烈性混合炸药
A highly infectious disease of cats, spread through contact causing internal fluid accumulation and invariably fatal. Vaccination yearly dramatically increases protection. 一种高度传染性的疾病,经接触传。可导至身体内积聚体液及最终不治死亡。预防方法:每年准行防疫注射可大大提高预防感染。

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