Let's assume you have added a Bézier curve and a Bézier circle as separate objects to your scene (Profile (left) and path (right).).
让我们假设你已经把一条曲线和一个圆作为分别的物体加入到你的场景了(左为轮廓线右为路径)。 |
Let's awaken tomorrow with all our zest and zeal by embracing and creating life.
拥抱生活,创造生活,把握住每一个今天,让我们用全部的热忱,去唤醒明天。 |
Let's bake a cake to celebrate Jane's birthday.
为了庆祝简的生日,我们来做一个蛋糕。 |
Let's be careful,’Adai said.‘We don't want someone to shoot us before we leave.
“咱们要小心,”阿岱说,“可不能在出发之前中了别人的枪子儿。” |
Let's be careful. The situation may be about to repeat itself.
我们得小心一点,同样的情景可能就要出现。 |
Let's be clear about this: I love dressing up, putting make-up on and prancing about with a sword in my hand.
让我们认清楚这一点吧:我喜欢穿上戏服,画上妆,拿着一把剑闪展腾挪。 |
Let's be clear right up front that prisoner abuse is not to be confused with cooking the books.
我们首先要弄明白的事,虐待战俘和作假账不能混为一谈。 |
Let's be clear: Memorizing 23,000 words takes a long time, which is one reason why a pure stacking mechanism (as described above) can be greatly improved upon when you're dealing with numbers that big.
让我们澄清一下:记忆23000个词需要很长的时间,这也是为什么一个纯的堆栈式记忆方法(如上所述)能够在你应付大量数据的时候能够显著地提高你的记忆力。 |
Let's be frank and don't beat around the bush.
让我们开诚布公,不要绕圈子了。 |
Let's be friends for ever!
让我们永远是朋友! |
Let's be gay while we may.
让我们及时行乐,莫虚度年华。 |