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The chastised child looked at her father with a pathetic, doleful expression.

The charter flight of Taiwan-based Eva Airways arrived in Shanghai on Friday afternoon with 308 passengers on board. The flight returned to Taipei later on Friday. 台湾伊娃航空公司的一架包机共搭乘308名乘客,于周五下午抵达上海,之后又于当天飞回台北。
The chase led him across swampy ground in the bottom of the valley, and he came upon footprints in the soggy moss. 这次追赶使他穿过了谷底的沼地,在潮湿的苔藓上他发现了人的脚印。
The chase that ensued became a legendary battle at sea. 后来发生的海上追猎战成为了一场带有传奇色彩的海战。
The chasm between you and he can not be solved by us. 你和他之间的裂痕不是我们能解决的。
The chassis is a framework used to assemble auto components on it. The chassis itself is divided into four systems like transmission system, suspension system, steering system and brake system. 底盘就是用以安装汽车零部件的车架,底盘本身还分为四个系统,即传输系统、悬架系统、转向系统和制动系统。
The chastised child looked at her father with a pathetic, doleful expression. 被责骂的孩子哀怜地、悲伤地看着她的父亲。
The chastity is a property which produces from the rich love. 贞操是从丰富的爱情中产生出来的资产。
The chauffeur is employed by the rich man. 这个司机受雇于那个富人。
The chauffeur walked to the lectern and delivered the speech. 而司机走上了讲台,作讲演。
The chauffeur was panic - stricken for a moment but quickly recovered. “ That's an easy one, ” he replied, “ so easy, I'm going to let my chauffeur answer it. 司机一时被问懵了,但很快就镇定下来。“这很容易,”他说,“太容易了,我要让我的司机来回答。”
The chauffeur was put into prison because of much drinking. 因为过量饮酒,那个司机被关进监狱。

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