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But aside from a brief fielding slump in early April, not much of it has been caused by Jeter.

But as with the real world, the third was clamouring for recognition, for a fair chance, for an opening-up of the closed shop. 就像现实世界里一样,第三世界国家都在努力争取尊重,争取公平的机会,争取打烊商店的开门。
But as you keep swinging out away from your body you'll soon realize that the racquet is facing straight ahead down the middle when you reach the contact area. 但是当你继续挥拍从你身体离开往外挥出时,你将很快了解,当你到达接触区域时,网拍正向前笔直地面对底线中央。
But as you know to start with we'll have more difficulty with new product. 但是,您知道,刚一开始销售新产品,我们会有更多的困难。
But as you know,we have dozens of applicants to be answered. 但你也知道,我们还有几个应征者要面谈。
But as you start to write down your hopes for the new year, your think about last year. 然而,就在你提笔写下新年新希望的同时,你想起了去年。
But aside from a brief fielding slump in early April, not much of it has been caused by Jeter. 我们帅帅队长也只有在四月份初期有著少数不像他的守备低潮。
But assigning the vouchers randomly guarded against this risk. 但随意分配补助则能够避免这种风险。
But at 18 months, when Molly wasn't walking or talking, the pediatrician told Jack and Sue Daly that their daughter was profoundly retardedand recommended Fairview. 可是18个月后,莫莉还不会走路,也不会说话,那个儿科医生才告诉杰克·达里和苏·达里夫妇,说孩子患有重度弱智,并建议把孩子送去费尔维夫。
But at Sicily the African and Eurasian plates are colliding, so one would expect the stresses to be compressive rather than extensional. 但是在西西里岛,非洲板块和欧亚板块相撞,因此有些人会认为这里的应力是压缩而非伸张。
But at Starbucks, Tall is small. 可是在星巴克,“高杯”却是小杯。
But at Studio Classroom, we believe goodwill between strangers still exists today. 但在《空中英语教室》,我们相信陌生人之间的善意今日仍然存在。

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