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A copy of either the deposit slip or passbook for the account that the loan was paid into .

A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. 如果某副本(不论有没有标注)为反对或防止读者的后续修正而采用其他格式,那么就是不兼容的。
A copy of Health Certificate from hospital within the past 6 months (including HIV virus blood serum immunity test report). 最近六个月内医院出具之健康证明书一份(包括人类免疫缺乏病毒检验报告)。
A copy of Inviters' permanent resident cards. 邀请人的枫叶卡复印件。
A copy of a current file made in order to protect against loss or damage. 为防止当前文件的丢失或损坏而另存储的一份。
A copy of all maintenance contracts are kept on file in the Engineering office. 工程部的档案中都保留了每份合同的副本。
A copy of either the deposit slip or passbook for the account that the loan was paid into . 请问第一个是叫我提供什么啊???个人存款证明还是贷款合同证明啊?
A copy of my transcript is enclosed. 附寄成绩单一份。
A copy of my transcrīpt is enclosed. 附寄成绩单一份。
A copy of the applicable instrument in English or the working language of the ship should be carried on board and should be accessible to seafarers. 适用文件的英文或船上工作语言的副本应随船携带并使船员能够使用。
A copy of the decision of approval or disapproval shall be sent to the CIRC at the same time. 核准或者不予核准的决定同时抄送中国保监会。
A copy of the instrument of ratification, acceptance, or accession of treaties or agreements that must be deposited with foreign organizations shall have its photocopy to be authenticated and sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within 30 days. 条约或协定之批准书、接受书或加入书,其须交存国外机关保存者,应将经认证之该项文书影印本,于三十日内送交外交部保存。

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