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Its blades casted by stainless steel have been passed the test of dynatic and static balance procisely.

Its best bet will be to order the temporary closure of polluting industries across a wide swathe of northern China in the run-up to the games, as well as introducing draconian traffic-control measures in Beijing. 最切实的方法可能是命令覆盖中国北部广大范围的污染产业暂时关闭,同时在北京市内引入严格的交通管制。
Its best writer was [b][color=#990000]Aristophanes[/color][/b],who has left eleven plays,including [b][color=#990000]Frogs,Clouds,Wasps and Birds[/color][/b]. 阿里斯托芬被认为是最著名的古典讽刺戏剧作家,他有11部优秀戏剧留给后世,其中包括《蛙》、《云》、《蜂》和《鸟》等。
Its big, poor South-East Asian neighbours would also be earning billions if they had been quicker to exploit their vast, untapped reserves of ores. 其幅员辽阔,但穷困潦倒的东南亚邻国也将收入数十亿,只要他们加紧对其大量原始矿石储备的开采力度。
Its bigger banks favour lending to state-owned industries; venture capital is in its infancy, and the country's immature equity market fails to offer the dependable exit route demanded by sophisticated early-stage investors. 在中国,较大的银行喜欢贷款给国有行业,风险投资还处在萌芽阶段,而中国不成熟的股票市场也无法为精明的初期投资者提供可靠的退出渠道。
Its biquadratic finite element approximation is considered and under the appropriately graded meshes, quasi-optimal order error estimates in the ε-weighted H^1-norm, up to a logarithmic factor in the singular perturbation parameter, are proved. 然后,考虑此方程在分层网格剖分上的双二次有限元逼近,在ε-加权H^1-模意义下得到了至多相差一个关于摄动参数对数因子的拟最优阶收敛的误差估计。
Its blades casted by stainless steel have been passed the test of dynatic and static balance procisely. 浆叶为整体不锈钢铸造,且通过动、静平衡试验精制而成。
Its body now only the thing dialectic concerning self-contradict theory of basic principle, Diverse sex in world unifies the principle, widespread contact. 它体现了唯物辩证法关于矛盾论的基本原理、世界多样性统一原理、普遍联系的观点。
Its body was the size of a wheel. 它的身体有轮子那么粗。
Its bottom side also has supporting points and its northeastern end is connecting with the hill massif. 如果将三块碑材叠将起来,总高度可达78米,总重量为31167吨,堪称绝世碑材。
Its branches were strong, fit for a ruler's scepter. It towered high above the thick foliage, conspicuous for its height and for its many branches. 11生出坚固的枝干,可作掌权者的杖。这枝干高举在茂密的枝中,而且它生长高大,枝子繁多,远远可见。
Its breakthrough formula combines natural colloidal oatmeal, long known for its ability to soothe dry skin, with a blend of natural oils and rich emollients that work together to replenish skin's natural moisture. 其突破性的配方蕴含天然胶状燕麦精华,以柔滑肌肤而闻名,以及揉合天然油脂和润肤成分,可有效地补充肌肤水分。

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