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Four,five and six ring PAHs have greater carcinogenic potential than do two,three or seven ring PAHs.

Four years, going out from the alley slowly at first, my field of vision is being widened, the roadside scenes are being enriched, my experience is becoming more and more and my thoughts are deeper and deeper. 四年了,从最初那条小路慢慢走出,视野渐渐开阔起来,路边的风景逐渐丰富起来,经验越来越多,感悟也越来越深。
Four years, going out from the alley slowly at first, my field of vision is widening, the roadside scenes are enriching, my experience is becoming more and more and my thoughts are deeper and deeper. 四年了,从最初那条小路慢慢走出,视野渐渐开阔起来,路边的风景逐渐丰富起来,经验越来越多,感悟也越来越深。
Four, helping to reduce financial crime. Their work focuses on three main types of financial crime: money laundering; fraud, and criminal conduct such as insider dealing. 第四是协助减少金融犯罪,他们注意力集中在3个方面,洗钱,诈骗,还有象行内人交易这种刑事犯罪行为。
Four, we will increase rural incomes through a variety of channels. 四是多渠道增加农民收入。
Four, we will intensify efforts to ensure order in the real estate market, strengthen oversight over it and combat in accordance with the law actions that violate laws and regulations in all links in the real estate industry, including development, sales 四是深入整顿和规范房地产市场秩序,强化房地产市场监管,依法惩治房地产开发、交易、中介等环节的违法违规行为。
Four,five and six ring PAHs have greater carcinogenic potential than do two,three or seven ring PAHs. 四,五和六环多环芳烃比二,三和七环的多环芳烃有更强的致癌作用。
Four-Point Probe - Test equipment used to test resistivity of wafers. 四探针-测量半导体晶片表面电阻的设备。
Four-cloumn universal hydraulie press is used in pressing technology of plastic materials,such as click folding turn up.seretching of sheet metal and canbe also used in correetion pressed install,forming of grinding wheel and cold-coining metal fittings a 四拄式万能液压机适用于塑性材料的压制工艺,如冲载、弯曲、翻边、薄板拉伸等,也可以从事于校正、压装、砂轮成型,冷挤金属零件成型,塑料制品及粉末制品压制成型工艺。
Four-color film and proof must be submitted by the deadline date. 在杂志广告截止日期前提供四色菲林及彩色打样。
Four-fifths of the 126 businesses - which employ almost half a million people in the capital - said they expected to run into further shortages over the next six months. 在126家企业中,有五分之四表示,它们预计未来6个月会面临进一步的人才短缺--这些企业在伦敦雇佣着近50万人。
Four-member ring and six-member ring mechanisms have been studied, both of which have three reaction paths with the main path through two-step transition state. 探讨了四元环和六元环机理,其中每种机理有三种途径,主要的途径是经过过渡态的两步反应途径。

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