The second branch of the Triad are the spiritual followers of Mielikki, known as the Arms of the Forest.
第二支是在梅利凯精神上的追随者,被称作森林之臂。 |
The second case had such a severe enophthalmos that the eyeball simply receded from observation.
第二位患者之眼球在受伤后深陷眼眶内,以致于由外无法观察得到。 |
The second case involves and 81-year-old male diagnosed by computed tomography (CT) of the pelvis and cystography.
第二例81岁男性由骨盆腔计算机断层摄影及膀胱摄影诊断。 |
The second chapter reviews the reference and sorts the motivations of students out.
第二章通过文献回顾,对学习动机进行具体分类。 |
The second check valve has a lighter weight spring.
第二止回阀则配置较轻的弹簧。 |
The second class cable – suitable for more the earthing – block time and more better insulated performa.
第二类——用于接地故障时间更长的系统及对电缆绝缘性能要求较高的场合。 |
The second class will demonstrate hanging and focusing lights and ladder safety.
第二课将示范灯具悬挂、聚光和梯子安全。 |
The second concern regarding formation of large pools of NH3 and NH4+ in soil is the increased potential for NO3- leaching and surface runoff away from the effective root zone.
对于土壤中大量NH3和NH4+的形成所关注的第二个问题是从有效根区的NO3淋失和表面径流损失的增加。 |
The second converts them into dollars.
第二列将其转换为美元。 |
The second day , Derby went aboard the ship to western of Atlantic Ocean .
次日,德比坐上船,向大西洋的西部漂去。 |
The second day is devoted to pranks involving the posterior region of the body.
这种传统最后在18世纪传播到英格兰和苏格兰。 |