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China consistently pursues an independent foreign policy of peace.

China clay: The deposits of china clay in Cornwall are of great economic value. 瓷土:康沃尔的瓷土沉淀带来了巨大的经济价值。
China coast,seashore,seaside ,sea,ocean oil ,marine oil resources will buy helicopters! 船运界,航运界将可能进口,或买进直升飞机!
China completed its first unmanned test of a spacecraft meant to carry astronauts. 中国首次完成无人驾驶飞船试验。
China considers Lee a leading figure among Taiwanese independence activists. 中国认为李登辉是台独分子的首要人物。
China consistently carries out an independent foreign policy. 中国坚持独立自主的对外政策。
China consistently pursues an independent foreign policy of peace. 中国坚持奉行独立自主的和平外交政策。
China continues to focus on capabilities to operate under “informatized” conditions with an emphasis on integrated joint operations, joint logistics, and long-range mobility. 中国将继续把重点放在信息化的条件,提高综合性的联合行动,联勤和远程机动能力.
China continues to lay claim to more Indian territories, even as it holds on to Himalayan areas it seized furtively or by conquest in the 1950s and early 1960s. 即使在五十年代和六十年代初,中国就不断暗中攫取或征服喜马拉雅地区,它继续主张更多印度的领土。
China could end up creating the world's longest and biggest megalopolis, stretching all the way along its coast. 在中国整个沿海地区,有可能会出现世界上最长最大的都市群。
China currently bans the sale of tiger body parts -- used in traditional medicine. 中国目前禁止销售可用在传统中药中的老虎身体部位。
China currently has 30 sedan manufacturers, nine of which produce more than 200,000 units a year. 中国现在有30家轿车制造厂,其中9家的年产量超过20万辆。

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