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As to the specifications of the commodity, they are detailed in an annex.

As to the question of how to protect it, the essay first defines the concept of right protection as prior protectionand remedy protection, then demonstrates from the aspect of remedy protection and discusses the remedy system for improving the right to ed 对如何保障受教育权,文章首先界定了权利保障的概念,将权利保障分为事前保障和救济保障两种,并着重从救济保障的角度阐述,在分析我国受教育权司法救济实践的基础上,对完善受教育权的救济制度做些初步探讨。
As to the right(s) of women, the recent issue of residency for the wives is a very good example. 5接下来,就妇女的权利来说,最近有人提出妻子的居住权问题,就是很好的例子。
As to the series of Jielaili industrial cleasing papers, most of them adopt NBKP or pure non-woven fabrics, which possess strong absorption without hurting objects' surface, dropping soft flocks, generating static electricity or polluting the environment, 洁来利工业用擦拭纸系列产品,大部分采用长纤木浆或纯无纺布材料制成,吸收力强,不伤物体表面、不掉毛屑、无静电产生、不污染环境,可满足各种工业不同工作的需求,是提高工作效率、降低人工成本的最佳选择。
As to the series of Jielaili industrial cleasing papers, most of them adopt NBKP or pure non—woven fabrics, which possess strong absorption without hurting objects' surface, dropping soft flocks, generating static electricity or polluting the environment, 信息内容:洁来利工业用无尘擦拭布系列产品,大部分采用长纤木浆或纯无纺布材料制成,吸收力强,不伤物体表面、不掉毛屑、无静电产生、不污染环境,可满足各种工业不同工作的需求,是提高工作效率、降低人工成本的最佳选择。
As to the spatial distribution, the most typically developed Danxia and Karst areas are in tropic and sub-tropic humid regions in south China, but Danxia scenery especially in southeast China, while Karst scenery especially in southwest China. 在空间分布上,两者发育最典型的地区均在我国南方亚热带、热带湿润区;其中,东南地区尤以丹霞景观见长,西南地区更以岩溶景观取胜。
As to the specifications of the commodity, they are detailed in an annex. 关于商品的规格,将在合同的附件中详细规定。
As to the students, they show strong interests in cross-school or cross-nation course taking, indicate that human resource management/developmentare the most appropriate courses, and call for help in improving computer skills and foreign languages. 本研究主要在于探讨国内劳工研究相关系所进行跨校及跨国修课的可能性、迫切性与适合的课程等,做为未来扩展劳工研究和教学的基础。
As to the study on application of higher grade of pipe steel, he considers that the higher grade of pipe steel can be adopted in gas transmission pipeline through the optimized design. 对高等级管道钢的应用进行了重点研究与分析,认为经过优化设计,高等级管道钢可以应用于输气管道。
As to the thing that it is too in English so, it is in fact I it is to can fluent expression one's own thought, smooth exchanging with foreign friend, is full of illusion and hope , the plucking up one's courage of a lot of will be studied well, but unwil 对于英语也是这样,其实我一直对可以流利的表达自己的思想,顺畅的和外国朋友交流,充满了幻想和憧憬,也多次的鼓起勇气要学好,可是就是不肯下功夫。
As to the viewpoint of filial duty, we should take the reality into consideration, discard the dross and select the essence so as to further elaborate the moral education function of the traditional culture of filial duty. 随着时代的发展,对于《孝经》中所阐述的孝道观,我们需要结合现实,提取其精华,剔除其糟粕,以更好地发挥传统孝文化的道德教化作用。
As to the wheat starch exported from January to April 2005, the statistical analysis of the moisture, ash content, sulfur dioxide etc. have been also drawn a quality control chart. 对2005年1~4月份间出口的小麦淀粉抽取水分、灰分、二氧化硫等项目的实验室数据进行统计分析,绘制质量控制图。

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