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So fear about a complete 6) collapse of the national real estate market is likely 7) unwarranted , but investors would still be wise to watch the trends of their specific market area.

So far,there are still many exploration frontier areas and great hydrocarbon potential in Bohai Bay Basin. 渤海湾盆地至今仍有许多勘探领域和很大的油气潜力。
So far,we can't debar the seismal possibility. 到目前为止,还不能排除地震的可能性.
So far,we have not yet been sure whether his theory can stand the test or not. 到目前为止我们还不能说他的理论是否经得住考验.
So far, US hackers have retaliated with more than 300 attacks on Chinese Web sites. 直至目前为止,美国黑客为了报复,已向中国网站发动超过三百次攻击。
So fast is he that we can't catch up with him. 他跑地如此快,以致于我们追赶不上他.
So fear about a complete 6) collapse of the national real estate market is likely 7) unwarranted , but investors would still be wise to watch the trends of their specific market area. 因此担忧全国房地产市场发生全面崩盘很可能是没有根据的,但是投资者仍应观察他们特定的区域市场走势,才是明智之举。
So few people here are truly able to think, able to see beyond the pabulum whipped up by the government. 因此这里没有人能够真正的去思考,能超越政.府宣传看问题。
So finding a math to succeed is very easy,doing it from the zero,and do not choose one royal road. 原来寻找成功得方法很简单,从头做起,不要企图走捷径就可以了。
So first find the main characteristic upon which your whole ego edifice rests. 所以首先找到在你整个自我体系架构中最主要的点。
So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. 诗73:22我这样愚昧无知、在你面前如畜类一般。
So for Harry's generation, you have an inversion of terms. 所以在哈利这一代,你得到了一个颠倒的期间。

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