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Her oscillations in mood are maddening.

Her only fear in life was the loss of a friend. 她生命里唯一的恐惧就是失去朋友。
Her open letter is really an apology for her way of life. 她的公开信实际上是对她生活方式的辩护。
Her open letter was really an apology for her way of life. 她的公开信实际上是对她生活方式的辩护。
Her opening words were dramatic. 她的开场白十分动听。
Her original email of request, the original poem, and my calligraphy are all attached. 她的请求原件电邮及原诗和拙之翰墨一并附呈。
Her oscillations in mood are maddening. 她喜怒无常能把人气疯。
Her outrageous remarks were/went beyond all reason. 她那些无礼的话全无道理.
Her outstanding abilities were attested by her rapid promotion. 她杰出的才干已经由她获得迅速提升而得到证明.
Her paintings are being shown (ie exhibited) at a gallery in London. 她的画正在伦敦的一个美术馆里展出.
Her pair of pet lambs come to graze in the shade of our garden trees. 她心爱的一对小羊,到我园树的荫下吃草。
Her pale face suggests that he knows the bad news. 她苍白的脸表明她知道了这个坏消息。

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