There have been a lot of discussions about the imperialistic language of Conrad since the release of Heart of Darkness.
摘要康拉德的殖民主义话语问题,从《黑暗的心脏》问世伊始就引起了很大的争议。 |
There have been a lot of explanations as to the cause of the disease.
现在已经有许多种关于这种病的起因的解释. |
There have been a lot of layoffs in the shipbuilding industry recently.
近来造船业已经有了一大堆裁员。 |
There have been a lot of people off work this week owing to sickness.
这个星期有许多人因生病而不能上班。 |
There have been a number of movements in the constable's pay which have kept broadly in step with average industrial earnings.
与产业工人平均收入大体保持一致的警察工资有过多次变动。 |
There have been a number of reports on bladder calculi in women with a history of gynecologic procedures.
因妇产科手术或治疗行为以及其他骨盆手术而造成女性膀胱结石,在许多报告中已明载。 |
There have been a sharp increase in ~ in the last two years because of the sluggish economy.
因为经济萧条,两年以来破产事件接连不断。 |
There have been accusations that child labor is building the new capital.
当地的建筑公司老板因使用童工修建新首都而受到谴责。 |
There have been attempts to explain these taboos in terms of inappropriate social relationships either between those who are involved and those who are not simultaneously involved in the satisfaction of a bodily need,or between those already satiated and
人们试图对这些禁忌作出解释,所依据的要么是那些正置身于某一身体需要满足的人与那些并置身于某一身体需要之满足的人之间的,要么是那些早已酒足饭饱的人与那些正在不知羞耻地狼吞虎咽失之间的不相称的社会关系。 |
There have been calls for the local government to ban prostitution.
人们不断呼吁地方政府禁止卖淫。 |
There have been cases of women acting as surrogate mothers and giving birth to their grandchildren, in both the United States and Britain, the Yomiuri Shimbun daily said.
日本《读卖新闻》报道说,祖母辈作为代孕母亲产下孙辈的情况在美国、英国均有先例。 |