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I am not going to hang out with him anymore because he is sleazy.

I am not going to argue with you tonight . 今晚我不打算和你争论。
I am not going to ask any questions now. She yelled at me the last time I did that. As you know, once titten, twice shy. 例句:我不打算提任何问题了,上次我这么做的时候,她冲我大叫。你知道,一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。
I am not going to be humiliated in front of the entire neiborhood. 我可不想在所有邻里面前丢人。
I am not going to check my pets' liver and kidney function even though the blood sampling will be taken. 动物无法告诉您他身体上的问题,医疗上建议您为他定期抽血检验.若您不打算在隔离期间检查,回家后务必在附近动物医院定期回诊.
I am not going to get into very specific details on guitar making tonight. 今晚我不会牵涉到吉他制作上非常专门的细节。
I am not going to hang out with him anymore because he is sleazy. 因为他人品不佳,所以我再也不跟他出去了。
I am not going to manicure my nails. Just save it as it is. 我不打算修指甲。就让它这样吧。
I am not going to pull out my contract to show the clause to my company when everyone's working as hard as I am and I get paid a hundred times more. 我不会拿出我的合约指著这项条款要挟著公司﹐尤其是当每个人都和我一样辛勤工作而我的酬劳却比他们多出一百倍以上。
I am not going to set myself any targets but everyday the injury has got progressively better and hopefully I can come back as quickly as possible. 我不会为自己设定什么目标,但每天伤情都在变好,我希望我可以尽快的回到赛场上。”
I am not going to stand any more of his cheek. 我再也不能容忍他如此无礼了。
I am not going to tell George you clapped more for Ferris than you clapped for George. (我不会告诉乔治你们为费里斯鼓的掌超过为他鼓的掌。)

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