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Very few Hong Kong residents donate their organs for transplant after death.

Very expressive, medium size, various shades of brown color preferred, other colors acceptable. 非常具有表现力,中等大小,各种深浅的棕褐色眼睛是最好的,其他颜色也可。
Very extensible design enabling virtually any form of extensions to the core. 灵活的设计允许核心功能进行任何形式的扩展.
Very famous explorer, in fact he was one of the first to explore...the arctic circle, which is a big deal. 他是一个著名的探险家,事实上他是第一批到北极探险的人之一,这是很了不起的。
Very fat men and drunkards are not good risks. 很胖的人及酗酒都不是好的被保险人。
Very few Canadian journals are available in my university, and China as a whole. 对加拿大研究的建议或意见目前国内有关加拿大的期刊还比较少,从加拿大进口的书籍也不过。
Very few Hong Kong residents donate their organs for transplant after death. 很少香港人愿意在死后捐出器官作移植用途。
Very few applications run your CPU full speed for hours and days on end but crunching does. 除了分布式计算,极少数应用程序会连续几个小时几天连续地使你的CPU全速运行。
Very few authors have any control over the use made of their books by a film studio. 极少作者在制片工作室如何使用他们的书上拥有任何控制权。
Very few daughters really wish to settle their affections for life on a teenage boy when it comes right down to it, though the fantasy of undying devotion is very evident for a time. 说到底,真正想把自己一生的爱情都寄托在一个十几岁的男孩身上的女孩是很少的,但在某一段时间里她会幻想自己的爱情会至死不渝。
Very few house survived the earthquake. 没有几间房子幸免于地震。
Very few humanities are represented, and quite surprisingly very few had any background in religion. 他们是工程师、建筑师、土木工程师,大部份是科学家,人文学科的非常少,更出乎意料的是,他们很少有宗教背景。」

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