We must not be too slow to adapt to the social changes.
我们对于社会变化不能适应得太慢。 |
We must not condemn her on pure supposition.
我们不能单凭猜测就谴责她。 |
We must not depreciate the work she has done.
我们不应该轻视她所做的工作。 |
We must not fall for such nonsense.
我们决不能听信这种胡说八道。 |
We must not fall in their game, that is to play at 100 MPH.
我们决不能跟着他们的节奏打,那可是时速100的节奏。 |
We must not forget about the grass roots.
我们绝不能忘记民众. |
We must not give way to their demands.
我们决不能对他们的要求让步。 |
We must not let our differences and disagreements overshadow the importance of preserving this history which is still unknown to much of the world.
我们不应该由于我们之间有不同见解和某些差别,就让保存史实的艰巨任务蒙上阴影,要知道,这个世界的大部分人还不知道这段惨绝人寰的历史。 |
We must not lie down and cry God help us.
不可躺下来,只求上帝帮助。望天打卦。 |
We must not lie down, and cry, God help us.
我们一定不要躺下叫喊,上帝,救救我们吧! |
We must not lie down,and cry,God help us.
求神不如求己。 |