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Wednesday was his first day back in the clubhouse since the news of his cancer became official.

Wednesday also marked Flag Day observances nationwide. 周三也标志着全国性的国旗日惯例。
Wednesday is the Independence Day in the United States, celebrating this country's birth as an independent nation 231 years ago. 星期三是美国独立日,庆祝231年前美国作为独立国家的诞生。
Wednesday night saw a host of United players on international duty, with Rio Ferdinand standing out for England and youngster Jonny Evans made an impressive debut for Northern Ireland. 周三晚有一批红魔参加了国家队比赛。里奥费迪南德代表英格兰出场,而年轻小将伊万斯在北爱尔兰的处子秀表现出色。
Wednesday night's Carling Cup quarter-final at Newcastle will begin a run of three games in which Jose Mourinho will shuffle his pack in a way not seen so far this season. 星期三晚上联赛杯四分之一决赛做客纽卡斯尔将是穆里尼奥打起包裹准备连续三场客场比赛的开始,这还是本赛季头一回。
Wednesday through Saturday, when I'm not in the middle of the seemingly endless stream of interviews, classes, business tours, and live broadcasts, all I want to do is relax, hang out with my fellow teammates, read, and catch up on sleep so I can be ready 周三到周六,当我不是身处毫无止境的采访、培训、参观和直播时,唯一我想做的事就是彻底放松——跟我的队友读书、补眠——为了下周的任务做好精神和体力上的准备。
Wednesday was his first day back in the clubhouse since the news of his cancer became official. 星期三是在他得到癌症这个新闻曝光后第一次回到红袜。
Wednesday would be better for me. 星期三对我更好些。
Wednesdays announcement came a day after the release in Baghdad of a senior Iranian diplomat who had been abducted two months ago and held incommunicado. 星期三的声明是在一名伊朗高级外交官被释放的后一天,他是两个月前被绑架的并被单独囚禁的。
Wednesday's Journal of the American Medical Association documents a series of complications from tongue piercing. 美国医药协会的周3月刊上评述了一系列由做舌穿洞手术引起的病发症。
Wednesday's attack raised the prospect that one of those methods could involve women suicide bombers attempting to infiltrate polling stations. 星期三的袭击使人们想到,恐怖分子可能会让女性潜入投票站参与自杀爆炸袭击。
Wednesday's figure of $49bn was nearly double that of Japan's $26.9bn turnover yesterday, and the roughly $16.5bn combined trading volume in Australia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, India, Taiwan, Indonesia, New Zealand and Vietnam. 中国股市周三的成交金额,几乎是日本股市当日成交额(269亿美元)的两倍,而澳大利亚、香港、泰国、新加坡、马来西亚、韩国、印度、台湾、印尼、新西兰和越南等地的股市,当天的成交额之和约为165亿美元。

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