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A study by the American Sociological Association shows that money can buy happiness but only up to a point.

A studio apartment may have a separate kitchen, but the living room is also the bedroom! 一室公寓房也许有一个分开的厨房,但起居室也兼做卧室。
A study also suggests that carotenoids found in green leafy vegetables(such as broccoli2) and kale3))may help prevent vision loss. 一项研究报告指出,在绿叶蔬菜(如花椰菜和甘蓝菜)中发现的类胡萝卜素,可能有助于防止视力下降。
A study at The University of Auckland is looking at the reasons behind New Zealand's high rate of vasectomies. 一项研究对于纽国为何拥有世界上非常高的输精管手术的人口的研究正在奥克兰大学展开。。
A study by Mintel shows that consumption of pampering products for man's furry friends has exploded worldwide. 据明特尔(英国一市场调查研究机构)的调查显示,全球的宠物奢侈品消费均大幅上涨.
A study by researchers at Harvard Law School found 19,032 Web sites that were inaccessible inside China. 哈佛法学院的一个研究表明,有大约1万9千多个网站在中国国内是无法访问的。
A study by the American Sociological Association shows that money can buy happiness but only up to a point. 美国社会学协会一项调查表明金钱虽能买来幸福,但只是一定程度上的幸福.
A study by the Centre for Economic Performance published in its CentrePiece magazine, found that despite having equal opportunity legislation regarding sexual orientation in the workplace since December 2003, gay men are still paid around 6% less than het 根据经济表现中心在其《中枢》杂志发表的研究,尽管2003年12月起就有将职场性倾向纳入考量的《平等机会法》,男同志还是比异性恋同事少大约6%的薪水。
A study by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank, found that the average recruit comes from an area slightly richer than the national norm. 一项由遗产基金会进行的调查,它也是有保守主义倾向的智库,发现普通招募的新兵来源分布,与国家标准相比并没有多少好转。
A study by the World Health Organization last year found that people who have used cell phones for at least ten years may be at greater risk for a rare brain tumor. 去年世界卫生组织的一份研究发现使用移动电话至少十年的人群患脑瘤的几率大大提高.
A study by two IMF economists, Steven Dunaway and Xiangming Li, found that estimates for the undervaluation of the yuan ranged from zero to nearly 50%, depending on which method was used. 两名国际货币基金组织经济学家——史蒂文.达纳韦和李向明(音)——的一项研究表明,因使用的方法不同,对于人民币低估的价值估计从零到50%不一而足。
A study class to address concept in Motion Picture.Students will explore and experimeut with ideas by learning aud analyzing Aesthetics &Soyle on differeut kinds of art-performances. 透过认识美学的範畴,使学生了解艺术、美和敏感性并应用于艺术经验的反思,切入作品的理解路径。

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