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[After putting fish into the hot spring water, professional person will do adjustment to let fish adapt the surrounding and provide technical training.

[Abstract]: Taking the Chinese young directors group that have newly emerged since the 1980’s as its research object, this thesis systematically discusses ---- from the perspectives of being principals, self-consciousness, modernism, quality of vanguard, :本论文以中国八十年代末以来新生代青年导演群体为研究对象,从主体性与自我意识、现代性、先锋性、形式、风格与影像语言的流变等维度较为系统地论述了这一群体的现实境况、精神历程、文化意义以及在一个全球化语境中的自觉或不自觉的应对策略。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the average annual growth of the antibiotic market of the world is about 8%, the market share of the global antibiotic is about 25060 hundred million dollars, every large pharmacy enterprise invest the research and development 近年来,世界抗生素市场的平均年增长率为8%左右,全球抗生素的市场份额约为250~260亿美元,各大制药企业纷纷投入巨资进行抗生素药物的研发,使抗生素新品不断出现。
[Active ingredients] fresh honey, essence oil of pagodatree flower, plant collagen. 新鲜蜂蜜,槐花精油,植物胶原蛋白。
[Active ingredients] fresh honey, propolis, natural cane sugar and sea salt. 新鲜蜂蜜,蜂胶,天然甘蔗糖,海盐。
[Adrian and Stella are watching a news report on David Blaine. 亚德安和史黛拉正在观看大卫布雷恩的新闻报导。
[After putting fish into the hot spring water, professional person will do adjustment to let fish adapt the surrounding and provide technical training. 温泉鱼正式投放温泉池中,同时技术人员开始对温泉鱼的适应作技术调整,对贵公司的技术人员进行相关的技术培训。
[All laugh] At that time I had an apprentice. 当时我有一个学徒。
[Ames, Roger. Seeking Harmony Not Sameness: Comparative Philosophy and East-West Understanding. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2002. 余虹:《中国文论与西方涛学》.北京:三联书店,1999年.
[Andy Hagerman ] Over the last year, our strategy has been to find and partner with the best schools in Asia . 过去一年里,我们的策略是在亚洲寻找最好的学校并与其合作。
[Announcements] This article is food; it can't act for the medicine treatment. 本品为食品,不能替代药物治疗。
[Aristotle,Metaphysics,trans.Wu Shoupeng.Bejing:Sangwu Publishing House,1959 first print,1997 reprint. 亚里士多德:《形而上学》,吴寿彭译,北京:商务印书馆,1959年版,1997年重印。

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