Skepticism has kept me from believing in true love — one that is pure and enduring.
年轻使我不懂得爱——那种纯洁且历久弥坚的爱。 |
Skepticism means not intellectual Doubt alone, but moral Doubt; all sorts of infidelity, insincerity, spiritual paralysis.
怀疑主义不仅是指知识方面的怀疑,连道德层面,如诸般背叛、虚情假意、精神上的麻痹等等,也都无法幸免。 |
Skeptics also ask why there is no clear evidence of extraterrestrial visits to Earth.
怀疑论者也质问为什么没有清晰的外星人拜访地球的证据。 |
Skeptics contend the shroud is a medieval hoax or forgery - or even a devotional work of artistic verisimilitude.
怀疑论者声称这块裹尸布是中世纪的愚弄或伪造物——或者是一块艺术逼真的信仰作品。 |
Skeptics have proposed many means for producing the image in the Middle Ages.
怀疑论者声称中世纪有很多方法去制造肖像。 |
Skeptics point out that the color is still an unfaded red, which would be expected of tempera paint but not of real blood.
怀疑论者指出颜色仍然是已经裉色的红色,可能用作蛋彩画颜料,而不是真正的血液。 |
Skeptics say the estimates are little better than guesswork but proponents argue that Eco-nomicsshows natural systems, such as rainforests or mangroves, are usually worth more intact than if chopped down and harvested.
怀疑这认为这项评估比凭空猜想好不了多少,但支持者认为生态经济学显示勒自然的整体性,如果雨林或者红树林若遭砍伐,就不会有完整状态那样估价高了。 |
Skeptics should take note of the effect the printing press had on the medieval illuminated manuscript.
对此持怀疑态度的人应该注意到,印刷机对于中世纪手抄业带来的影响其实也是与此类似的一种发展。 |
Skeptics who had doubted her ability to make a success of it were dumbfounded as her enthusiasm and tenacity proved them wrong.
当她以热忱和执着证明了那些曾怀疑她能力不足的人是错误的时候,他们都哑口无言。 |
Sketch of combat actions of tank units in 5 pages [scetch is missed -Valera P.
坦克单位的战斗略图在第5页(注:图已丢失)。 |
Sketch out what you intend to do.
把你要做的事概括地叙述一下。 |