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But at the same time, increased testosterone has been linked to violent behaviour and spousal cheating so as a result, women may want longer-term relationships with less-masculine looking men.

But at the same time two harpoon-like ivory tusks shot through the air. 与此同时,海象的两颗像鱼叉般的长牙刺向空中。
But at the same time we should not fail to see that some deepseated problems that have long been plaguing world food security are still unbridled, hunger and poverty remain epidemic in many developing countries. 同时,也不得不看到,一些长期困扰世界粮食安全的深层次问题依然存在,饥饿和贫困依然在许多发展中国家肆虐。
But at the same time when I got out of the show I choke some time off, just go back being a kid like I didn't have to act like an adult any more. 不拍戏的时候我也想最好没有这样的经历,只是做个普通的小孩不用再装的像个大人。
But at the same time, I couldn't help feeling greater sorrow at the way Roger and Cathy's continued reaction to her death was compounding their misery. 但同时,看到罗杰和凯瑟对女儿去世抹不去的悲痛所造成的不幸,我不禁更加伤心。
But at the same time, McGuinty referred to China as a double-edged sword, acknowledging that Ontario can expect to keep losing jobs in our low value-added manufacturing plants to low-cost competitors in China. 但同时,麦坚迪亦指出中国是一把双刃剑,承认安省也将由于中国低成本的竞争会导致我们低附加值的制造工厂失业率持续增加。
But at the same time, increased testosterone has been linked to violent behaviour and spousal cheating so as a result, women may want longer-term relationships with less-masculine looking men. 但同时,荷尔蒙也与暴力行为和婚姻背叛有关,所以女人们更愿意找一个不太具男子气概的男人结婚。
But at the same time, it can't be ignored - they threw the Carling. 但同时,这一点绝对不能忽略--他们放弃了联赛杯。
But at the same time, it implicitly encourages the community to accept non-free software as a good thing, and forget the goal of freedom. 但与此同时,这也就是暗中鼓励我们的社团把非自由软件当作好东西来接受,并且忘掉自由的目标。
But at the same time, one should not forget that located between Suzhou and Hangzhou, Shanghai has the typical characteristics of Southerner, elegance and refinement in weather that is always humid. 同时别忘了,上海还夹在苏杭之间,是很江南的,秀气、细腻、空气总是湿润的,质感上喜欢小玲珑。
But at the start of 1967, with Ginther and Bucknum departed, Honda returned to the podium with a vengeance courtesy of their new sole driver, John Surtees. 然而在1967年一开始,由于金瑟尔和布克努姆的离开,本田车队在唯一的新车手约翰-苏瑞提斯的帮助下回到了领奖台上。
But at the time I became speechless, didn't know where to start, and couldn't find suitable words to describe what I saw, what I knew… seemed that the most beautiful languages couldn't describe the beautiful and special landscape; after a period of time, 但那时候,我却张口舌,不知道从那儿说起,竟然找不到合适的词汇描绘我看到的、知道的……好象再美的语言也不能描述这个美丽奇特的景色;当我经过一段时间,能够部分口述它的时候,却也很难用文字逻辑地表达出来,因为它和现实公认的我所知道的逻辑既相同也不同,我甚至很担心引起不必要的误会;等我小心翼翼地写出一些所谓的论文一类的东西的时候,听我讲“故事”的人们好象似明白又不明白,他们都觉得新鲜,用学术界的说法是“很有新意”。

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