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Conduct anodizing of aluminum and its alloy was introduced with operating hints and points for attention of pretreatment, anodizing, post-treatment procedure.

Conduct Interviews via Telephone. Create Stimuli. Scanning at MGH. 7通过电话(与受试者的朋友及家人)晤谈。建立刺激。在MGH中扫描。
Conduct a preliminary survey of the area of engagement. 对审计业务领域实施初步调查。
Conduct a tree search. Ask people to find large, unusual or historic trees in your community. Tell people to take care of them. 组织一次寻找珍贵树木的活动,让人们发现社区内的参天大树、罕见的树或者具有历史意义的树木,号召人们保护好这些树。
Conduct an honest self-evaluation each year. 每年诚实地评估自我表现。
Conduct analysis on real estate market and develop competitor intelligence,providing monthly update and supporting marketing research officer to bulid competitor intelligence database. 房产市场,竞争对手的信息收集和分析,每月更新报表,帮助市场研究主任建立竞争对手信息库。
Conduct anodizing of aluminum and its alloy was introduced with operating hints and points for attention of pretreatment, anodizing, post-treatment procedure. 介绍了铝极其合金导电氧化工艺过程中前处理、阳极氧化以及后处理等工序的操作要点和注意事项。
Conduct brainstorm sessions to stimulate designers creativity as well as generate new ideas. 带领设计部门脑力激盪,激发设计师的创造力及新想法。
Conduct field-audits and tests to ensure policies and procedures are in full compliance, and to improve check &balance. 执行现场审查以确保与公司政策或流程的一致,并改善控制环境。
Conduct first article inspection and random sampling inspection. 进行首件检验和抽查检验。
Conduct follow-up and report on management response to regulatory body reviews. 跟踪并报告管理层对法规监管机构检查结果的落实情况。
Conduct internal audit reviews to ensure compliance with SECCO's processes. 引导内部审计回顾,确保依从SECCO的流程.

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