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Get blood vessel stupid(the HIS more than 7 cent) or there is other reason with theresult that of stupid.

their side effect occurrence number were compared P < 0.0, showed eminent difference. 两组输血治疗缺铁性贫血副作用发生例数比较P值<0.0,有显著差异。
ACM-LDL complex had dose-dependent inhibiting effects on the growth of ovarian cancer cells, the inhibiting effect ceased while drug concentration reached 0μg/ml; ACM LDL复合物对卵巢癌细胞具有剂量依赖性的生长抑制作用 ,当药物浓度达到 0 μg/ml时 ,细胞生长停止 ;
BA 0.mg/l and NAA 0.mg/l is in favour of the squamous bulbs of Lanzhou lily,Nichang lily and Yunnan light yellow lily to differentiate; 在 BA0.mg/l、NAA0. mg/l 时,有利于兰州百合、宜昌百合和云南淡黄花百合小鳞茎的分化;
For every χsubmodule N of M,there exists a direct summand K of M,such that K∩N=0,and KN is an essential submodule of M; 对于模 M的任意一个χ-子模 N,存在模 K|M,使得 K∩ N =0 ,且 K N≤ e M;
Gastral-intestinal hormone: a. 胃肠激素测定:a.
Get blood vessel stupid(the HIS more than 7 cent) or there is other reason with theresult that of stupid. 患有血管性痴呆(HIS≥7分)或有其它原因所致的痴呆者。
Hilum of lung enlarged, lung markings huddle, bunch shadow and edn shadow can be seen in the focces. 肺门影增大,肺纹理紊乱或病灶呈成簇状窟穴状影;
Hypermyotonia and Ⅳ-level myodynamia in both lower extremities,tendon hyperreflexia,knee cap clonus(+),ankle clonuses(+),Babinski sign(+),and flexion pathologic reflexes(+); 下肢肌张力增高,肌力Ⅳ级,腱反射亢进,髌、踝阵挛阳性,Babinski征阳性,屈性病理反射阳性;
In mice fed tartar emetic 7 mg/kg,the alimentary Sb content was 9% lower in the group with simultaneous administration of BAL-glucoside 0.g/kg than that in the group without BAL-glucoside. (二)小鼠口服吐酒石7mg/kg加BAL-glucoside 0.g/kg的消化道含Sb量较不加者低9%;
It finds that there were 7 groups monkeys outside the natural reserve,altogether 9 individuals,among which include yellow haired infants. 保护区外围新发现7群9只,其中包括新增当月生只黄毛婴猴;
Milankovitch cycles could be identified through spectral technique of well logs; accommodation curve reflecting base level cycles could be established by means of corrected Fischer plot. 在对测井曲线进行谱分析识别出米兰柯维奇旋回的基础上,采用校正的费希尔图解方法可编制出反映基准面变化的可容纳空间变化曲线。

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