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Objective: To determine the efficacy of a new intracolonic bypass tube (ICBT) designed for a one-stage procedure for left colonic obstruction.

Objective: To compare the value of ultrasonography and mammography in the diagnosis of breast cancer. 摘要目的:比较超声与钼靶对乳腺癌的诊断价值。
Objective: To decide the best compatibility proportion. 摘要目的:确定儿茶、青黛最佳配伍比例。
Objective: To define the ultrasonographic feature of mammary dysplasia so as to improve diagnostic accuracy of the condition. 摘要目的:探讨女性乳腺结构不良声像图的特征,提高对该病的诊断水平。
Objective: To describe and compare the structure characteristics of enamel in human severely fluorotic teeth from water-drinking endemic fluorosis area and coal-burning endemic fluorosis area. 摘要目的:描述并比较燃煤污染型和饮水型氟中毒地区重度氟斑牙釉质结构特点。
Objective: To determine the amino acid composition and isoelectric point of porcine platelet-derived growth factor. 摘要目的:测定猪血小板衍生生长因子的氨基酸组成和等电点。
Objective: To determine the efficacy of a new intracolonic bypass tube (ICBT) designed for a one-stage procedure for left colonic obstruction. 摘要本院大肠直肠外科自行设计一种新式的肠内保护管,是结合可分解式肠道吻合环与保险套的长而软的保护内管。
Objective: To determine the efficacy of combined L-carnitine and L-acetyl-carnitine therapy in infertile males with oligo-astheno-teratozoospermia. 试验目的:检测复合左旋肉碱(左旋肉碱+乙酰左旋肉碱)疗法,对由少精、弱精和/或精子畸形引起的男性不育的治疗效果。
Objective: To discuss the clinic nursing for post heart valve replacement patients complication of mental disorder. 摘要目的:探讨心脏瓣膜置换术后并发精神异常的临床护理特点。
Objective: To discuss the clinical feature of specific carcinoma of breast. 目的:探讨特殊类型乳腺癌的临床表现与病理特点。
Objective: To discuss the distribution characteristics of total saponin in radix platycodonis and provide the theoretical basis for the quality standard. 摘要目的:探讨桔梗总皂苷在根中的分布规律,为桔梗质量标准的完善提供理论依据。
Objective: To discuss the main manner and content of the clinical pharmacist's work. 摘要目的:探讨药师下临床工作的主要内容和进行方式。

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