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Choosing the right career is very important.

Choosing appropriate presents can be very time-consuming! 选择合适的礼物有时非常花时间。
Choosing appropriate principles from those fields. 在这些领域中,寻找可以利用的理论。
Choosing arbitration: what does A company neglect? 选择仲裁,A公司忽视了什么?
Choosing high quanlity colored glass for material,utilizing processing,we fanricate xiangyang filter.Its coated surface and its specific spectral characteristic can meet your all kinds of demands. 向阳牌系列光学滤色镜,是采用有色光学玻璃材料,经过光学加工和表面真空镀膜的,它具有特定光谱特性。在摄影或摄像时使用向阳牌滤色镜,定能获得理想的效果。
Choosing proper orthogonal wavelet function, the low frequency sub-band was enhanced obviously and the high frequency sub-band was restrained moderately to realize image enhancing via the modulation of information entropy window. 选择适合的正交小波函数,可使图像的低频子带大幅度提升,对高频子带适度抑制,在信息熵窗系数的调配下实现了图像的增强处理。
Choosing the right career is very important. 选择一个适当的职业是非常重要的。
Choosing the right career is very important. We should try to find out what our talents are and how we can use them. 选择合适的职业是很重要的,我们应该设法发现自己的才能并找出如何运用它们的方法。
Choosing the right colour is very important. 选择正确的颜色是很重要的。
Choosing the top angle of apron in accordance with the center height together would satisfy the ellipse degree and the prism degree accuracy of the grinding works. 工件中心高对其“棱圆度”和“椭圆度”的影响不一致,选择不同的托板顶角可以在降低中心高的同时,保证对工件“椭圆度”的影响程度,以使中心高度值较低时,满足工件“棱圆度”和“椭圆度”的要求。
Choosing to invest in what were essentially best-case-scenario ideas just when the company was downsizing the workforce and closing plants wasn't an easy sell. 当公司正在缩减人力和关闭工厂时,选择投资一些根据最佳状况来思考的点子并不容易说服他人。
Choosing what to buy today is much harder. 今天选择要买什么就难得多了。

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