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Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.

Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad; and a gift destroyeth the heart. 7勒索使智慧人变为愚妄。贿赂能败坏人的慧心。
Surely some of these people had sleepless nights trying to track down weird bugs which they couldn't pinpoint. 的确,这类人中的一些人,通常整夜追捕那些他们不能确定的莫名其妙的错误。
Surely something to wait happily. 当然是值得愉快等待的事。
Surely such an open-ended offer could be limited only by our reluctance to ask. 当然这样无止境的提供只会因我们不愿意去求而受限。
Surely that indicates a strong image of women. 用不著说,那件作品象徵女性的强大力量。
Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. 7主耶和华若不将奥秘指示他的仆人众先知,就一无所行。
Surely the United States Senate is big enough to take self-criticism and self-appraisal. 当然,美国参议院有足够大的度量作自我批评和自我评价。
Surely the giant Sorcerer isn't afraid of four more upstart pipsqueaks. Where is Eddie? 当然了,魔法师巨人是肯定不会害怕再多四个小矮人的。埃迪在哪儿?
Surely the great cultural antinomy of ancient times was not between Rome and Jerusalem, but between Hellenism and Judaism? 当时两大对立文化当真不是耶路撒冷与罗马,而是希腊与犹太?
Surely the holy Dakinis will be most pleased by such efforts and dedication to Dharma. 必然的,神圣的空行母们会因如此的努力及对法的奉献而极为满意。
Surely the idolatrous commotion on the hills and mountains is a deception; surely in the LORD our God is the salvation of Israel. 23仰望从小山或从大山的喧嚷中得帮助,真是枉然的。以色列得救,诚然在乎耶和华我们的神。

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