Meanwhile, the change of ferrous oxidation rate of ferrous glycinate and ferrous sulfate after processed to flour products was compared respectively, and ferrous oxidation rate of ferrous sulfate group was obviously higher than that of ferrous glycinate g
同时比较了甘氨酸螯合铁和硫酸亚铁在加工制作成各类面制品后的亚铁氧化率的变化,硫酸亚铁组的亚铁氧化率明显高于甘氨酸螯合铁组。 |
Meanwhile, the city is dotted with small greeneries and crowded with various plants.
市内小型绿地星罗棋布,园林植物群芳荟萃。 |
Meanwhile, the company laid off another2, 500 nonunion workers yesterday after sending an initial7, 000 packing on Monday….
这时,在周一初步解雇7000人以后,公司昨天又遣散了2500名未参加工会的工人……。 |
Meanwhile, the company undertakes the window sill processing of arc, widening and lengthening.
完全解决了厨房天然大理石台面渗水及木质窗台板日晒变型等。 |
Meanwhile, the company's professional operation, it will effectively promote China's capital market development and innovation of modern financial instruments, credit for establishing normal social relations, and promote the establishment of the socialist
同时,公司的专业化运作,将有力地促进中国资本市场的发育和现代金融工具的创新,有利于确立正常的社会信用关系,促进社会主义市场经济新秩序的建立。 |
Meanwhile, the country's State assets watchdog has ordered a probe into the salary growth of employees of State-owned enterprises.
同时,国家的国有资产监督机构已经下令对国有企业员工的工资增长情况进行深入调查。 |
Meanwhile, the disciplinary commission has handed a three-match ban to Jonathan Zebina, who saw red in Tuesday's 2-1 win over Cesena.
同时,泽比纳已经被告知将被禁赛3场,他在星期二2:1战胜切塞纳的比赛中见红. |
Meanwhile, the disposable income of Gallatin residents compares very favorably to other places in the region.
同时,该市居民的可支配收入也位居田纳西州萨姆纳地区的前列。 |
Meanwhile, the engine industry profit rate is decreasing.
另一方面,发动机整体行业利润率下降。 |
Meanwhile, the enterprise should be good at protect the trademark with law and good service so as to remain invincible in furious market competition.
同时企业还要善于运用法律武器保护好自己的品牌,通过良好的经营行为来维护好自己的声誉和形象,以使企业在激烈的市场竞争中永远立于不致之地。 |
Meanwhile, the evaluation has changed from a single aspect su ch as vegetation and soil to a comprehensive evaluation including deterioration of environment and degradation of soil morphology and fertility. ②Studies on a theoretical basis and basic princi
③恢复与重建的生态系统功能与效益的研究,其效益评价由生物多样性、水土保持功能、土壤养分、小气候等单一方面转向利用灰色系统理论及系统工程方法进行综合评价。 |