France defeated Russia and Prussia in the Battle of Brienne.
1814年的今天,法兰西在布瑞尼战役中击溃了俄国和普鲁士。 |
France detected its first case, in a wild duck in Lyon, this weekend, and officials have since decided to vaccinate poultry in three at-risk areas.
这个周末,法国在里昂的一只野鸭身上发现了该国的第一个病例,并且官员们随后已决定给三个风险地区的家禽接种疫苗。 |
France gave the Statue of Liberty to the people of the United States more than 100 years ago as a gesture of friendship after the American Revolution.
一百多年前,法国赠送美国人民自由女神像,以表示美国革命后的友谊。 |
France had more babies in 2006 than in any year in the past quarter century, capping a decade of rising fertility that has bucked Europe's greying trend.
2006年,法国的新生儿数量自上世纪80年代以来首次创下历史新高,迎来了本世纪的第一次婴儿潮。法国近10年出生率的上涨有效地缓解了该国社会人口老龄化趋势。 |
France has always been fiercely protective of its film industry, fearing that a Tinseltown invasion would overwhelm it.
法国一直极力保护本国的电影工业,使其不被好莱坞眩目的文化侵袭和吞噬。 |
France has been supporting Beirut's demand that Israeli troops withdraw from southern Lebanon before the Lebanese army is deployed.
法国始终支持贝鲁特的要求,希望以色列军队在黎巴嫩军部署之前从黎巴嫩南部撤军。 |
France has fallen behind (Germany) in coal production.
法国在产煤方面落後(於德国)了. |
France has trouble accommodating its young Muslim population.
法国在适应其年轻穆斯林方面也存在困难。 |
France have a glut of attacking midfielders but there is less competition on the right-hand side.
法国队有许多进攻性的中场,但却缺少右后卫位置上的竞争。 |
France herself has in the past abused the force of referendums to prop up authoritarian regimes.
法国本身也曾经不当使用全民公投的力量来促成威权。 |
France insists that a ceasefire precede any deployment of an international force, a position the 25-member European Union supports.
法国坚持先停火,然后再部署国际(维和)部队。由25个成员国组成的欧盟支持法国这一立场。 |