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She look at me queerly and do not seem to know how to answer.

She longed to be back in China. 她渴望回到中国。
She longed to escape from her mother's domination. 她渴望摆脱母亲的操纵.
She longs for being a singer. 她渴望成为一名歌星.
She longs to become a singer. 她渴望成为一名歌星.
She look at him with contempt. 她轻蔑地看著他。
She look at me queerly and do not seem to know how to answer. 她以奇异的目光望着我,似乎不知道如何回答。
She look at the house and assess its market value. 他看了看房子并估算了其市场价值。
She look very bright and breezy in her yellow sundress. 她穿著黄色背心裙看起来很轻快和轻松自在。
She looked a bit queer, as if she knew something. 她看上去有点可疑,似乎知道某件事。
She looked all round the room, and I knew she knew everything in it had been got on the nod. 她朝房间四下看看,我知道她明白房内每件东西都是赊购来的。
She looked an absolute hoot ! 她看起来十分可笑!

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