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A: No! I wont get up until you promise me that you wont leave me… Darling.. have you forgotten our theme song?

A: No problem. Actually the insurance business is also done at the bank. Let's go. We can kill two birds with one stone. 没问题。其实银行也做医疗保险方面的业务。走吧,我们可以一举两得。
A: No problem. Anything else? 没问题,您还要别的吗?
A: No problem. If we send the consignment on March 10th, it will arrive on March 30th. I'll give you a call to let you know. 是这样的,因为我们必须在月底前把这批货送到客户那里,所以我们想把装船日期订在3月10号。
A: No problem. This is a casual place actually. 这不成问题。事实上这是一个轻松不拘的地方。
A: No way! They closed shop and ran off with his deposit money. 才不呢!他们倒闭了,还带着我表弟的定金卷款潜逃。
A: No! I wont get up until you promise me that you wont leave me… Darling.. have you forgotten our theme song? 啊!我点会唔记得咧…同是天涯沦落人…相逢何必曾相识…也许不必知道我是谁…无谓…无谓…啊!不好再播呢首歌啦…你唔好再逼我啦~~!
A: No, I am from Australia. 不,我来自澳大利亚。
A: No, I don't see that you can .It's up to you to decide. 但是市场价格随时都在变化,我怎样才能保证货物到达我们我们那价格不会下跌呢?
A: No, I hate potatoes. I like tomatoes! 不,我讨厌土豆。我喜欢西红柿!
A: No, I won't do what you told me. You're all wet. Everyone will think I am a snob. 不,我不会照你说的去做。你说的大错特错。大家认为我是个势利小人。
A: No, I'm considering getting a Ford. 不,我想着买部福特。

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