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Tending to use, using, or expressed in more words than are necessary to convey meaning.

Tending to induce hallucinations, delusions, or other symptoms of a psychosis. Used of a drug. 拟精神幻觉的能引起幻觉、幻想或其它精神病症状的,用于药物
Tending to intrude or encroach, as upon privacy. 侵犯的就要侵入或侵犯,如隐私的
Tending to mislead. 易于误导的
Tending to preserve or capable of preserving. 有保护能力的倾向于保护或保存的,有保护或保存能力的
Tending to protrude; protruding. 突出的趋于伸出的;伸出的
Tending to use, using, or expressed in more words than are necessary to convey meaning. 多言的,罗唆的倾向于用超过传达意思所必需的词的,用超过传达意思所必需的词叙述的
Tendril A slender structure found in plants, used for twining and support. 卷须:植物中存在的一种纤细的结构,用于缠绕并起支持作用。
Tendrils may be branched, or unbranched, and may have terminal adhesive disks, as in the Virginia creeper. 卷须可能具有分枝,也可能无分枝,末端还会有吸盘,例如五叶地锦。
Tenenbaum, J. B. Rules and Similarity in Concept Learning.In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12. 2000. 规则与相似性应用在概念学习〉,于《神经讯息历程系统的进展》第12期,2000年。
Tenenbaum, who is now the link man between Mourinho and Abramovich, was called to a meeting with the manager at Chelsea's training ground with Shevchenko present following another chaotic week at the club. 经历了又一个纷纷绕绕的七天之后,作为穆里尼奥和阿布间“信童”的特内波姆被叫去与切尔西主帅穆里尼奥在训练场上进行会面,当时舍甫琴柯亦在场。
Tenet Jove shows broad ambition to revive national healthcare industry, compete with the top international healthcare companies and maintaining the sustainable development of the healthcare industry. “天益嘉华人”将以健康事业的永续经营和发展,振兴民族产业,与国际知名保健品企业同台竞争,实现产业报国的宏图大志。

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