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Abstract: Several basic problems with the trace elements in cast irons which was studied by using thermodynamical theory was intorduced.These problems included: the solubility of trace elements in cast irons,the influences of trace elements on the crystal

Abstract: SINS initial alignment error is one of the important error sources for tactical surface to air missile precision allocation.It is necessary and advantageous to research quickly separate technique of SINS initial alignment error in outfield for i 文摘:捷联惯性导航系统的初始对准误差是战术地空导弹精度分配中的主要误差源之一,研究在外场条件下初始对准误差的快速分离方法对于提高导弹制导精度具有积极意义。
Abstract: Safety rheology and mutation are new contents in the theory of safety science. 文摘:“安全流变-突变论”是安全科学理论的一个新内容。
Abstract: Satety charactcristics of the ventilation system in coal mine are analyzed.Indexes for the safety assessment of the ventilation system in coal mine are provided.Gradation of the safety degree for the ventilation system is also suggested. 文摘:分析了矿井(煤矿)通风系统的安全性,提出了评价矿井通风系统安全性的指标,确定了矿井通风系统安全性等级。
Abstract: Seeking economic growth one - sidedly will cause the eco - environment over exhausted, and that will hinder the development of aquaculture industry which is a system engineer. 文摘:片面追求经济增长,致使生态环境超负荷运转,将制约水产养殖业的发展。
Abstract: Seismic inversion problems must be solved by non-linear global optimization methods. 文摘:地震反演问题常常需要一些非线性全局最优化的方法。
Abstract: Several basic problems with the trace elements in cast irons which was studied by using thermodynamical theory was intorduced.These problems included: the solubility of trace elements in cast irons,the influences of trace elements on the crystal 文摘:介绍了运用热力学理论研究铸铁中微量元素的几个基础问题,其中包括微量元素在铸铁中的溶解度、对铁液结晶温度的影响以及在铸铁溶液中形成碳化物的倾向。
Abstract: Several method are brought forward in order to improve the computation efficiency of the FEA of sheet forming.The Influence of virtue speed on the numerical simulation is also investigated. 文摘:主要介绍了提高板料成形有限元分析计算效率的几种方法,并通过实验研究了虚拟速度对有限元分析结果的影响。
Abstract: Several methods and technologies of silver residue sluage dehydration are presented,especially activated silver residue dehydration. 文摘:介绍了几种银泥的脱水方法和技术,披露了“活性污泥脱水”研究的进展。
Abstract: Several methods of drought and rain forecasting in rainy season were studied. The forecasting method applied was satisfied. 文摘:总结了历年预报经验,从气候学预报的角度出发,研究了几种用于汛期旱涝预测的方法,在实际运用中效果较理想。
Abstract: Several new physics experiments in 1998 were performed and analyzed to showthe subtlety of quantum theory,including the “wave-particle duality” and the nonseparability of two-particle entangled s tate.Here it is shown that the measurement is bou 文摘:在1998年完成和分析的几个新的物理实验显示了量子理论的微妙性,包括“波粒二重性”以及二粒子缠结态的不可分性.本文的分析表明:测量在破坏原来存在于客体及其环境间的量子相干性时必然要改变客体.因而“物理实在”应在两个层次上定义:“自在之物”与“为我之物”.量子力学中的波函数则正起了通过“虚拟的测量”将这两个层次的物质联系起来的作用.
Abstract: Several β-aromaticamino ketones,which were designed according to some hypothetical models of the cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase active sites,were synthesized by an amino exchange reaction.The structures of the eight new compounds were confirm 文摘:根据环氧化酶、5-脂氧化酶活性中心结构模型设计了一组β-芳胺酮类化合物,并用胺交换反应合成了这些化合物.经红外光谱、核磁共振氢谱及元素分析证实了8个未见文献报道的化合物的结构.药理实验结果显示.部分受试化合物在巴豆油诱发小鼠足趾肿胀模型中表现出一定的抗炎活性.

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