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They were distressful memories to her.

They were determined to drive the enemy off. 他们决心把敌人赶走。
They were discussing plans to open a free trade area next month. 下个月他们将就开放一个自由贸易区的规划进行讨论。
They were discussing what they would spend the money on. 她们正在讨论著该如何花用。
They were disillusioned soon after they came to the new colony. 他们到达新殖民地后不久就从幻想中觉醒了。
They were dissatisfied with the way resources were allocated. (他们对资源分配的方式不满意。)
They were distressful memories to her. 它们都是使她感到悲伤的回忆。
They were divided into the electronic assembly group, the paper-sculpture group and the woodworking group. 研究结果显示:(1)三组病患在空间关系测验上得分与在普渡手功能测验之组合分项上成绩,在统计上呈显着相关。
They were divided into two groups. 他们被分为两组。
They were doing exactly the opposite to what I had told them. 他们做的和我所告诉他们的正好相反。
They were down 27.4 percent from October 2005 to stand at their lowest point since July 2000. 而同比则下降了27.4个百分点,形成了自2000年7月以来了历史最低点。
They were dragging the river for the missing child. 他们正用抓钩在河底打捞那个失踪的孩子。

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