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A divine decision is in the lips of the king; His mouth should not err in judgment.

A ditch diverted water from the river into the fields. 一条沟渠把河水引导入田里。
A dive executed by jumping headfirst, bending the body at the waist, and, with the legs straight, touching the feet with the hands before straightening out to enter the water hands first. 屈体跳水,镰刀式跳水头向下的一种跳水动作,把身体弯到腰部、腿伸直,在打开身体且以手先触水的姿势跳入水中以前,要先用手触脚
A divergent section of a river, especially near the mouth. 河流分支河流的分岔部分,特别是近河口地区
A diversity lead to prosperity. 穷则变,变则通。
A divination on Person A getting hit by a bus as they cross the street next Tuesday will not work. 关于某人A将在下个星期二穿越马路的时候被公共汽车撞倒的预言是不会有作用的。
A divine decision is in the lips of the king; His mouth should not err in judgment. 箴16:10王的嘴中有神语.审判之时、他的口、必不差错。
A diving board. 跳板跳水用板
A divinity presiding over forests and trees; a wood nymph. 德律阿得斯森林与树之神;林中女仙
A division of Oceania in the western Pacific Ocean comprising the islands east of the Philippines and north of the equator. It includes the Caroline, Marshall, Mariana, and Gilbert islands. 密克罗尼西亚西太平洋上菲律宾群岛以东,赤道以北的岛群,是大洋洲的一部分,包括加罗林群岛,马绍尔群岛,马里亚纳群岛和吉尔伯特群岛
A division of a law book, declaration, or bill, generally larger than a section or article. 章节法律书籍、宣言或法案的划分单位,一般要比节或条款大
A division of an area, as for administrative purposes. 地区,行政区一个地域的分支,如为了管理的目的

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