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Dollan Cannell's documentary on the hundreds of alleged plots to assassinate Fidel Castro, and a look at the evolution of Cuban politics.

Doing well requires a level of preparation that comes not through cramming but by spending months analysing an industry, a company and a job function. 要想表现好,就需要一定程度的准备工作,而这种准备无法通过简单的填鸭式吸收材料来完成,需要花上几个月的时间来分析某个行业、某家公司和某项工作职能。
Doing work: by hand or using machines? 手工劳动还是机械作业?
Doing your homework before you invest will reduce the risk of investing in the latter. 因此,在你投资之前先对共同基金的业绩做一下研究,能够在以后降低投资风险。
Dolefully, with every blast, peace looks more distant. 可悲的是,每次爆炸都将“和平”炸得更加遥远。
Doll puts forward 4R in his postmodern perspective on curriculum. 多尔在其后现代课程观中提出4R的后现代课程模式。
Dollan Cannell's documentary on the hundreds of alleged plots to assassinate Fidel Castro, and a look at the evolution of Cuban politics. 本片是一部政治纪录片,通过无数种怪异无比的暗杀尝试来探究美国与古巴的关系。
Dollar almost tested our target near 103.05 before the sell off &it can now inch down towards 102.05/00 in the short term while 102.80 resists. 现价:102.42。美元/日元在下跌以前几乎测试了我们的目标位103.05,短期内若102.80不破现在可以预期继续下跌到102.05/00水位。
Dollar assets form an important part of its foreign exchange reserves and the US currency plays a prominent role in the global monetary system, China's central bank said Sunday. 据周日中国人民银行有关消息,美元资产是中国外汇储备的重要成分,美元在全球金融体系中的地位举足轻重。
Dollarization raises the stakes in Country B, because it intensifies the pressure to reach a political consensus by foreclosing other options. 在B类国家美元化会有风险,因为首先必需施加压力达成一个较一致的意见以排除其它选择。
Dollars convertible into yen. 可兑换成日元的美金
Dolly (5 July 1996 – 14 February 2003), a ewe, was the first mammal to have been successfully cloned from an adult cell. 绵羊多利(1996年7月5日—2003年2月14日)是人类通过成年体细胞克隆成功的第一只哺乳动物。

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