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His victims are crushed, they collapse; they fall under his strength.

His versatility to be able to play at right and left full-back, and more recently in central midfield, means that he has been a regular announcement in England squads with his longest spell in the first team coming under Kevin Keegan. 他作为一名“万金油”球员,能够踢左、右后卫,更多的时间是踢中场,这使得他频繁地出现在凯文·基冈时代的英格兰队中。
His very brief career, violent death and highly publicized funeral transformed him into a cult object of apparently timeless fascination. 他的短暂的演艺生涯,突然去世,以及被大肆宣扬的葬礼使他转变一个永远具有魅力的被人们崇拜的对象。
His very first action was to pull Spanish troops out of Iraq, infuriating the Americans and provoking charges of appeasing terrorism. 萨帕特罗上任后的第一把火即从伊拉克撤军,这使得美国大为光火,并且指责西班牙向恐怖主义妥协。
His vibrant voice commove the air. 他响亮的声音振动了空气。
His viciousness is beyond our conception. 他的狠毒非我们所能想像。
His victims are crushed, they collapse; they fall under his strength. 10他屈身蹲伏,无倚无靠的人就倒在他爪牙(爪牙:或作强暴人)之下。
His victory hangs on one vote. 他的当选取决于一票。
His victory was announced to a chorus of raspberries. 当宣布他获得胜利的时候,人们一齐发出轻蔑的呸声。
His victory was celebrated with music and dancing. 以音乐和舞蹈庆祝他的胜利。
His view is that the government should spend less money on nuclear weapons. 他的想法是政府应该在核武器上少花钱.
His view is voiced by more and more people, but finds no echo in my heart. 他的观点得到越来越多的人的附和,但我一点也不认同。

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