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It could be said that the wheels of automobiles move society forward.

It could be drawing in the drawing paper. and could also drawing in the plywood directly. save material and save time. a world of supply veracity . 能在绘图纸上绘图,也能在木板上直接绘图,省料省时,更能提高准确度。
It could be exhilarating, intimidating, sometimes even discouraging, but always challenging. 哈佛的生活使人兴奋,让人胆怯,有时甚至会感到泄气,但永远充满了挑战。
It could be extremely different to make tile boundaries appear seamless. 接着要建立菱形图素的无缝拼接。
It could be made of plastic or fiberglass. 小艇为一个1,2个人乘坐的小船,通常由塑料或玻璃钢制成。
It could be operation of take away other machine. and put it any-place ,made a larger capacity packet, and could also bach transport files. 可以脱机操作,绘图仪可以摆放到任何位置。采用大容量贮存器,可以批量传输文件。
It could be said that the wheels of automobiles move society forward. 也许可以说,社会随着汽车车轮的前进而前进。
It could be seen that the curve of settlement and load of pile, the distribution of axial force on the pile top, the curve of load on cap and axial force on the top pile obtained with numerical analysis were agreed with those measured in centrifugal model 分析结果表明,数值分析所得承台沉降与承台荷载的关系曲线、桩顶轴力分布、桩顶轴力随承台荷载变化的关系曲线,与其离心模型试验实测成果较一致。
It could be some guy going through a midlife crists, or some desperado who is the subject of a police sting operation. 对方可能是正在经历中年危机的男人,也可能是警方秘密调查的亡命之徒。
It could be something as mundane as they both were reading the same book or were born in the same town. 也许它很平常,比如他们正在阅读同一本书,或在同一个镇出生。
It could be that one disease, perhaps a new type of lurgy, invites the others to infect the bee, or that a pesticide performs this role. 可能是一种疾病、也许是一种新的疾病,招致其他疾病感染蜜蜂,还可能是某种杀虫剂起了这种作用。
It could be that she'll have a son. 也许她会生个儿子。

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