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A It's a couple of hours just to walk through it. There's so much to see.

A Is it true you used to play the piano? 你过去弹过钢琴是真的吗?
A Is that so? Will a Santana 2000 do? 是吗?那桑塔纳2000行不行?
A It is impolite to begin a meal until everyone is seated. It is also considered impolite to chew food with an open mouth, or to talk while chewing anything. 在他人落座之前就开始就餐是很不礼貌的。张大嘴巴咀嚼食物,或者边咀嚼边说话,也被认为是不礼貌的。
A It looks not bad. I wonder how expensive it is. 看起来不错。我想知道它有多贵。
A It was a bit slow, I suppose. 我觉得那里的服务有点慢。
A It's a couple of hours just to walk through it. There's so much to see. 从头到尾走一趟也要两三个小时。有太多的东西值得看。
A It's a couple of hours to walk through. There's so much to see. 从头到尾走一趟需要几个小时。有太多的东西值得看。
A It's a week before you get back. 在你回来一周之前开。
A It's difficult deciding on a future career. 决定将来的事业是一件很难的事情。
A It's easy to find. It's only two minutes walk from the entrance on the left side. 很容易找到的。从入口走大约两分钟,在路的左侧。
A It's just a couple of hours to walk through it. There's so much to see. 从头到尾走一趟也要两三个小时。有太多的东西值得看。

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